Capacity - (3x3.5 MW)
The Malankara Small Hydro Electric Project is a dam toe power house, utilizes the excess water available in the Malankara Dam Reservoir after the irrigation needs with an assured discharge of 25 M3/sec.to the Todupuzha river. Main inflow of the Malankra dam reservoir is the tail race water from Idukki HEP and hence water is available for generation round the year. Malankara Dam is the property of Kerala State Irrigation Department (MVIP). The generated power is evacuated through Malankara -Moolamattam & Malankara – Thodupuzha 66kV Feeders.
The project with installed capacity 10.5MW (3 (2+1) x 3.5 MW) dedicated to the nation on 23rd October 2005. M/s Silk Ltd.,Thrissur carried out the design,supply,erection testing and commissiong of generating equipmemts in collaboration with M/s Koessler Austria and that of 66kV Substation by M/s Telk Ltd., Angamaly. Civil works carried out by M/s West Coast Concrete Products, Angamaly.
The reservoir is formed by the MVIP dam at Malankara, owned by the State Irrigation Department.
Catchment Area : 153.5Sq. K.M (53.27Sq. Miles)
Gross Storage :37.3 MCM
Generation per MCM :1/35.5 MU
Design Head :12.2 Mts.
Full Reservoir level (FRL) : 137.8 Ft. (42 M)
Min. Draw Down Level (MDDL) : 118 Ft.( 36M)
Design Disch. through Machine : 34.5 / 3.5MW M3 /Sec
Location with district : Malankara, Thodupuzha,Idukki
Category : Hydro Power Project
Capacity :10.5.MW
River : Thodupuzha
Dam : MVIP DAM at Malankara of Kerala State Irrigation Department
Annual Energy Potential : 65 MU
Unit |
Rating |
Date of commissioning |
Unit#1 |
3.5MW |
27-08-2006 |
Unit#2 |
3.5MW |
06-08-2005 |
Unit#2 |
3.5MW |
06-08-2005 |
a) Type : Kaplan SZ
b) Make : Koessler GmbH,Austria
c) Design Net Head : …12.2….. Mts.
d) Rated Output : 3.720 MW
e) Output Max./ Min : …… MW/……. MW
f) Normal Speed : …300….. RPM
g) Runway speed : …808…… RPM
h) Disc. Through Machine : …34.5….. M3/Sec/Machine
a) Type : Rotating Salient Pole Type
b) Make : Jyothi Ltd.
c) Rated Voltage : …11000…… V
d) Rated Out put : ……4118…..KVA
f) Speed : …750…… RPM
g) Power Factor : 0.85 lag
3. GENERATOR Transformers
a) Type : 8MVA, Type SOCRB
b) Make : TELK,Angamaly
c) Rated Voltage : …66/11…… V
d) Rated Out put : ……8000…..KVA
4. Power evacuation
a) 66kV Moolamattam -Malankara Feeder
b) 66kV Malankara- Thodupuzha Feeder
5. MileStone Achieved
Gross Generation crossed 500 MU on 26/02/2021