Director (Generation Civil) leads the Generation – Civil Strategic Business Unit (SBU) within Kerala State Electricity Board Limited(KSEBL). This wing is responsible for implementation of Hydro Electric Projects right from Investigation, Planning, Design and Execution. This wing manages land acquisition matters asscociated with various hydel projects, oversees the environmental and forest clearance aspects of generation schemes and ensures safety and maintenance of dams and connected structures. Moreover, this wing also undertakes ancillary activities such as design, construction and maintenance of various office buildings, fabrication of line materials/A poles for Distribution and Transmission Wing, construction of substations yard structures and accessories for hydraulic structures etc. among other essential tasks.
Key functional units under the guidance of the Director (Generation Civil) include:
- Chief Engineer (Civil - Construction) South
- Chief Engineer (Civil - Construction) North
- Chief Engineer (Civil Investigation & Construction-Central)
- Chief Engineer (Civil - Dam Safety & DRIP)
- Deputy Chief Engineer & Project Manager, Pallivasal Extension Scheme with full powers of Chief Engineer.
- Head – Consultancy Wing full powers of Chief Engineer.
Chief Engineer (Civil - Construction) South:
Chief Engineer (Civil - Construction) South manages the following critical tasks in the Southern region of Kerala.
- It hosts a specialized Design wing with experienced engineers handling civil design work for ongoing and forthcoming Hydro Electric Projects, buildings, control rooms, and tower foundations of all other wings in the Southern region.
- Execution of Hydro Power Projects and buildings of KSEBL in Southern region of Kerala are entrusted to this office. Currently, this office is actively engaged in execution of Bhoothathankettu SHE Project (24 MW), Thottiyar HE Project (40 MW) & Sengulam Augmentation Scheme (85Mu). The commencement of construction of the Upper Sengulam (24 MW) project is imminent. Moreover, this office is engaged with the replacement of penstock of Sengulam HEP.
- Preconstruction survey works, land acquisition, estimate preparation, and other pre-tender activities for Peechad SHE Project (3 MW), Western Kallar SHE Project (5 MW), Marmala SHE Project (7 MW), and Ladrum SHE Project (3.50 MW) also fall under the jurisdiction of this office.
- This office additionally manages the fabrication, galvanization, and supply of various line materials/ A poles essential for the Distribution and Transmission wings through the Mechanical Facilities located at Pallom, Angamaly & Kozhikode.
- It also oversees departmental supervision of casting of PSC poles at specific private pole casting yards and construction of new pole casting yards at Pothencode, Kundara and Moolamattom.
- This office also undertakes the upkeep, maintenance, and renovation of Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Account closing works of completed projects in southern region also come under the purview of this office.
Chief Engineer (Civil - Construction) North:
Chief Engineer (Civil - Construction) North manages the following critical tasks in the Southern region of Kerala and acts as an Account Rendering Unit.
- It hosts a specialized Design wing with experienced engineers handling civil design work for ongoing and forthcoming Hydro Electric Projects, buildings, control rooms, and tower foundations of all other wings in the northern region.
- Execution of Hydro Power Projects and buildings of KSEBL in northern region of Kerala are entrusted to this office. Currently, this office is actively engaged in execution of Pazhassi Sagar SHE Project (7.50 MW), Olikkal SHE Project (5 MW) & Poovaramthodu SHE Project (3 MW). The execution of Peruvannamuzhy SHE Project (6 MW) has completed on 15.08.2023, started generation and waiting for official commissioning of the Project. The commencement of construction of the Maripuzha SHE Project (6 MW) is imminent.
- Preconstruction survey works, land acquisition, estimate preparation, and other pre-tender activities for Valanthodu SHE Project (7.50 MW), Chathankottunada Stage I SHE Project (5 MW), Chembukadavu Stage III SHE Project (7.50 MW) and Kakkayam Pumping Sheme (29.49 Mu) also fall under the jurisdiction of this office.
- Moreover, this office is engaged with the replacement of penstock of Urumi II SHE Project.
- This office additionally manages the fabrication, galvanization, and supply of various line materials/ A poles essential for the Distribution and Transmission wings.
- It also oversees departmental supervision of casting of PSC poles at specific private pole casting yards and construction of new pole casting yards.
- This office also undertakes the construction works of various building works under Distribution wing in Northen region of Kerala.
- Account closing works of completed projects in Northern region also come under the purview of this office.
Chief Engineer (Civil- Construction & Investigation Central):
This wing of KSEBL is responsible for the investigation and advancement of Hydro Electric Projects across the entire Kerala in KSEBL. This wing manages the following critical tasks in the Central region of Kerala.
- The major task includes the identification of potential sites conducive for establishing Hydro Power Projects in KSEBL, Conducting comprehensive investigations and preparation of Detailed Project Reports among the such identified and viable schemes.
- This wing also actively engaged in managing Forest and Environment clearance activities.
- Hydrology studies and compiling Hydrology Data and facilitating the utilization of Central Financial Assistance provided by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for the development of Hydro Power Projects.
- Execution of Hydro Power Projects in Central region of Kerala is entrusted to this office. Currently, this office is actively engaged in execution of Mankulam HE Project (40 MW) and Chinnar SHE Project (24 MW).
- The construction of forthcoming Poringalkuthu Micro HE Project (36 kW) falls under the jurisdiction of this office.
- Pre-tender activities of Poringalkuthu Stage II HE Project (24 MW) & land acquisition, estimate preparation, and other pre-tender activities of proposed Keerithodu SHE Proect (12 MW) also come under the purview of this office.
- Furthermore, this wing is currently engaged in the investigation and development of Idukki Extension Scheme (800 MW) and Letchmi HE Project (240 MW) and 20 nos. of Pumped Storage Schemes.
- Investigations are in progress for nearly 17 schemes in total.
This underscores the division's extensive involvement in the development and enhancement of Hydro Electric infrastructure within the KSEBL framework.
Chief Engineer (Civil- Dam Safety &DRIP)
The Dam Safety Organisation functioning under Chief Engineer (Civil- Dam Safety &DRIP) is responsible for safety management of Dams and operations management of Dams and reservoirs in KSEBL conforming to the Standard Protocols. Head Quarters is located at Pallom, Kottayam. Dam Safety Organisation plays a vital role in ensuring the sustainability of existing dams by improving the life, safety & operational performance of existing structures by carrying out rehabilitation measures in time.
- Dam Safety Works:
The major works of the Dam Safety Wing includes
- Safety Inspection of dams in compliance with the guidelines issued by CWC.
- periodical maintenance of dams and appurtenant structures.
- collection, validation, analysis and interpretation of results from Dam Instrumentations for Dam Health Monitoring.
- rehabilitation of dams to improve the structural & hydrological safety.
- monitoring of water level in reservoirs, inflow forecastin.,
- study of hydrological behaviour of river basin, management of Extreme Weather Event.,
- sharing the information on the reservoir statistics to State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA), GoK and publishing in the KSEBL website.
- arranging inspections by State Dam Safety Organisation (SDSO), State Committee on Dam Safety.
- liaisoning with District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), SDMA, GoK etc. and provide timely information on the operation of reservoirs for response actions.
- review and updation of Emergency Action Plans
- revamping of seismic network and conducting seismic studies etc.
- Matters related to Inter State Water issues of Parambikulam Aliyar Project.
- Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP):
Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) is a flagship project of Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India with technical assistance of CWC and financial assistance from World bank to improve safety and operational performance of selected dams. KSEBL is an implementing Agency under DRIP.
DRIP works are also being attended by this wing. KSEBL has undertaken rehabilitation of 37 dams/diversion structures under 12 Hydro Electric Projects under DRIP phase I. First phase of DRIP was completed in March 2021. Now DRIP Phase II is going on and the duration is Six years from 04.08.2021 to 31.12.2027. And third Phase of DRIP is to be implemented in continuation with DRIP Phase II and duration of the third phase will be six years. Rehabilitation of 15 Dams is included under DRIP Phase II. All these activities are to be implemented in KSEBL by the dam Safety wing.
Deputy Chief Engineer & Project Manager, Pallivasal Extension Scheme with full powers of Chief Engineer:
The execution of Pallivasal Extension Scheme (60 MW) is entrusted with the Deputy Chief Engineer & Project Manager, PES with full powers of Chief Engineer.
Head – Consultancy Wing with full powers of Chief Engineer:
The Consultancy for Government projects including that of ‘Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB) are attended by the Consultancy wing. The Government of Kerala has entrusted KSEBL as an SPV to implement the development of 10 major Taluk level & District Hospital projects at various locations, for Health & Family Welfare Department with KIIFB funding.
This wing is involved in the turnkey implementation of the public projects undertaken from the formulation stage till completion including creative conceptualisation of the projects undertaken, preparation of DPR, obtainment of Administrative Sanction including sanction for funding from KIIFB/Administrative Department/KSEBL, as the case is apart from the execution of the projects ensuring quality.