Over view
The Wind farm at Kanjikode having an installedd capacity of 2.025MW (9 x2.25kW) is operated and controlled by Kerala state Electricity Board Limited. It is the first Wind Farm in the State and is located at Kanjikode, Pudussery central Village, Pudussery Panchayat, Palakkad District
Kerala power system is mainly constituted of Hydro Electric sources. Due to the vagaries of monsoon and inadequate generating capacity in the system, the State is facing power crisis. Hence earnest efforts are being made to identify and develop all possible conventional and non-conventional source of energy. On the non-conventional side, wind is the most viable source of energy from time immemorial and it needs to be explored for generation of electricity. As the generation of electricity from wind, not at all cause any pollution or ecological problem endeavour should be made to extract energy from the wind wherever it is found possible
KSEBL established its first nonconventional energy project ie wind farm project at Kajnjikode with the assistance of Ministry of Non conventional energy sources in 1995 . The prime mover is wind turbine having 3 blades, each of lenth 13 metre with up-wind orientation . The wind turbine is of RRB Vetas Make. The generator is 400 Volts AC with rated ouput 225 KW/ 50 KW Siemens make.
Location Kanjikkode
Place Kanjikkode Industrial Area
Village Pududdery
Panchayath Pududssery
Taluk Palakkad
District Palakkad
Installed capacity 9 x 225 kW = 2.025MW
Annual generation capability 1.2 MU
Unit Rating Date of Commissioning
U # 1 0.225 MW 18.05.1995
U # 2 0.225 MW 18.05.1995
U # 3 0.225 MW 18.05.1995
U # 4 0.225 MW 18.05.1995
U # 5 0.225 MW 18.05.1995
U # 6 0.225 MW 18.05.1995
U # 7 0.225 MW 18.05.1995
U # 8 0.225 MW 18.05.1995
U # 9 0.225 MW 18.05.1995
Power Evcauation
Power Generated at 400 V is stepped up to 22 kV using 3 Nos 400V / 22 kV transformer each of 1MVA and fed to 220 kV Sub sation at Kanjikode using 1 No 22kV feeder.
Foundation stone laid on 27-03-1994
Inauguration on 7-11-1995