Transgrid 2.0
With the objective of strengthening the transmission network in the State and to enable constraint free transportation of bulk power from generating stations and ISTS nodes by minimizing the transmission losses, KSEBL had approved a Long Term Transmission Plan (LTTP) Transgrid 2.0 Project in accordance with the National policy and the Electricity Act, 2003. It is expected that the implementation of the projects envisaged in TransGrid 2.0 will bring about a reduction in peak load system loss of about 102 MW.
Government of Kerala has accorded sanction for TransGrid 2.0 project Phase I and Phase II works at an estimated cost of Rs.6375 Crores and ordered to implement the project with KIIFB funding. TransGrid project is announced as part of the state Government's ‘Oorja Kerala Mission’. The plan to ensure uninterrupted power supply till 2040 is being implemented in two phases. 2711 crores for the first phase and 3630 crores including green corridor projects for the second phase. Completion is targeted in 2027. Three substations of 400 kV, 22 substations of 220 kV, one 110 kV substation and 3670 circuit km of extra high voltage lines are envisaged to be constructed in two phases.
We used to meet the major share of Kerala's electricity needs by depending on power projects outside the state. By strengthening the transmission network, electricity from outside can be delivered to different parts of Kerala with less transmission loss. The TransGrid project is being implemented keeping in mind the future power demand and foreseeing the addition of transmission network required for power generation projects. Implementation of the said project will reduce power loss by 521 million units (equivalent to Rs. 250 crores) per year and provide quality power to consumers in a stable manner.
Due to the high population density in Kerala and considering the limited space for laying new lines, the modernization and capacity enhancement of the lines in the TransGrid project is being implemented by using the existing line routes (Right of Way) in such a way as to minimize the difficulties of the people. Also, the TransGrid project is being implemented using advanced technologies like Gas Insulated Substations (GIS), Substation Automation System, Narrow based towers, Monopoles, High Conductivity Conductors (HTLS conductors).
A grant of Rs 400 crore has been made available under the Central Government's PSDF scheme for two works in the TransGrid project. In addition, the central government has sanctioned a grant of Rs 138 crore for two green energy corridor projects under the GEC II scheme.
The works under TransGrid projects are executed under Turnkey EPC mode with innovative technologies. The works of similar nature are clubbed together as packages and tendered for getting effective participation from EPC contractors with vast experience across India. The final selection of the contractors is done through E-reverse auction by conducting tender process through MSTC e-platform which is under the central Government. The projects are guaranteed for 7 years from the date of completion of the project.
So far, one 400 KV substation (Kottayam) and eleven (Mancheri, Chalakudy, Kothamangalam, Aluva, Kalur, Kunnamangalam, Chithirapuram, Etumanoor, Vizhinjam Thalassery, Kunnamkulam) 220 KV substations and 179 circuit km including 1467 circuit km of 400 KV line have been completed in the TransGrid project.
The TransGrid project has helped to a certain extent in ensuring continuous supply of electricity without load shedding or power cut even if there is a shortfall in Kerala's domestic production, accurate utilization of the entire central allocation and uninterrupted provision of quality electricity to the whole of Kerala. The TransGrid project is also a precursor to the all-round development of the state. With the completion of the said project, Kerala will have a complete 400 KV. and 220 KV. Power Highway is coming into existence. By utilizing the currently commissioned substations and lines, it was possible to reduce the congestion in the system, improve the voltage profile, and make maximum use of the external power and deliver the power to the consumers without any load shedding.