The history of power development in Kerala state goes back to the first decade of 20th century when a 200kW installation to harness water was put up by the Kannan Devan hill producer company in Pallivasal. However, generation of electric power in Kerala at the Govt. level began only in 1928 when the govt. owned diesel generating station at Trivandrum started functioning with a capacity of 245kW. As demand for power increased comprehensive studies for systematic development of hydroelectric power in the state especially the Pallivasal Project started.
Pallivasal power station is the first Hydro station in Kerala. It is on Mudirapuzha river a tributary of Periyar river, and the generating station is located near to Munnar town. The detailed investigation of the project started during 1931 and finally the Govt. of Travancore had accorded sanction for Pallivasal hydroelectric project on 10th February 1933. The construction work was started during 1933. The foundation stone for the Pallivasal powerhouse building was laid by then Maharaja of Travancore H.H Chithirathirunnal Rama Varma on 1ST March 1935.
The Project was completed in two stages, the first stage being just a run of river scheme and the second stage to build storage to achieve more regulation of water. In the first stage there were three numbers of Generator units having capacity of 4.5 MW. These units were up rated to 5 MW in the fifties by changing the water wheels. The First generating unit of Pallivasal Power station was commissioned on 19-3-1940. The inauguration of the Pallivasal power station was done by the Diwan of Travancore Govt. Sri C.P Ramaswamy Iyer on 19th March 1940.
Commissioning dates of the first stage generating units are as follows.
1st stage Capacity Date of Commissioning
1st unit 4.5mw later up rated to 5mw 19-03-1940
2nd unit 4.5mw later up rated to 5mw 02-02-1941
3rd unit 4.5 mw later up rated to 5mw 10-02-1942
The Ramaswamy Iyer Head works at Munnar, which forms part of the first stage development was inaugurated in 1944. Till then the water was diverted to the powerhouse by a temporary dam. With the installation of 3 numbers of generating units having capacity of 7.5 MW each the installed capacity of Pallivasal power station was increased to 37.5 MW.
Commissioning dates of the 2nd stage generating unit are as follows.
2nd stage Capacity Date of commissioning
4th unit 7.5 MW 01-05-1948
5th unit 7.5MW 01-10-1949
6th unit 7.5MW 07-03-1951
Sethuparvathy dam at Kundale and Madupetty dams, which were part of the second stage development, were completed in 1947 and 1954 respectively. The 22.86m high masonry dam at Kundale impounds 7.65m cm of water and the 85.34m high Madupetty dam. The First all concrete dam in India impounds 55.9m cm of water. The 500m open channel, 3120m head race tunnel and four numbers of penstocks are the other components of the project.
Rehabilitation of Pallivasal HEP
The Preliminary work for rehabilitation of Pallivasal HEP was started during 1995. The RMU works of Pallivasal Generating station is the part of Panniar-Pallivasal-Sengulam Hydro Upgrading Project. M/s SNC Lavalin & ALSTOM Canada has prepared the project report, and which was approved by the Govt. of Kerala on 06-03-1998.
The execution of the project was divided into two parts. The first stage comprises of replacement of Three numbers 5MW generating units and its auxiliary equipments of Pallivasal, replacement of 2 numbers, 12MW generating units and its auxiliary equipments at Sengulam and renovation of one number 15MW generating unit and its auxiliary equipment at Panniyar.
The 2nd stage comprises of replacement of 3 numbers 7.5MW generating units and its auxiliary equipments at Pallivasal, replacement of 2 numbers, 12MW generating units and its auxiliary equipments at Sengulam and renovation of one number 15MW generating unit and its auxiliary at Panniyar.
The first RMU works of Pallivasal generating station was started on 1-10-2000 and was complemented on 20-11-2001. The generating units 1, 2 and 3 are in continuous operation from 19-11-2001, 17-11-2001 and 20-11-2001 respectively. The first Stage works was dedicated to the nation by the Honorable Minister of Electricity Kerala Sri Kadavoor Sivadasan on 03-01-2002.
The design, Manufacture, Supply, resting and commissioning of the turbine generator sets completes with inlet valve, turbine, governor, generator, excitation system, Protection and local control system, central control system, generator auxiliary equipment and 11kV cables were done by M/S Alstom, Canada. The main indigenous equipment like switchyard equipment, Feeder, Panels, Battery chargers etc... were supplied by M/S ABB LTD and the mechanical auxiliaries like the cooling water system and compressed air system were supplied by M/S. SILK. The Erection of the generating units and other equipment were done by M/S TELK Angamaly.
The 2nd stage generating units on continuous run from
Unit #6 - 19-08-2002
Unit #5 - 20-08-2002
Unit #4 - 24-08-2002
Salient Features:
Location with district : Nearest Munnar, Idukki
Category : Hydro Power Project
Capacity :37.5.MW
River : Muthirapuzha
Dam : Kundala, Madupetty & RA Head Works
Annual Energy Potential : 284 MU
Reservoir :
1. Kundala
Catchment Area : 37sq.km (14.28 Sq. Miles)
Gross Storage : 7.65 MCM
Generation per MCM : 22.74 MU
Design Head : 23 Mts.
Full Reservoir level (FRL) 1758.7 m ft
Min. Draw Down Level (MDDL) :1735.84m Ft.
2. Madupetty
Catchment Area : 104sq.km (40.144 Sq. Miles)
Gross Storage : 55 MCM
Generation per MCM : 161.23MU
Design Head : 46.3 Mts.
Full Reservoir level (FRL) 1599.59, ft.
Min. Draw Down Level (MDDL) :1554.48m Ft.
3. Rama Swami Iyer Head Works dam
Catchment Area 232 sq.km (89.5 Sq. Miles)
Gross Storage : divertion dam
Generation per MCM : 1.4 MU
Design Head : 560 mtr.
Full Reservoir level (FRL) 4759.8 ft.
Min. Draw Down Level (MDDL) :4758.4 Ft.
Design Disch. through Machine : 1st Stage -0.91M3 /S
2nd Stage-1.63M3/S
Date of Commissioning:
Unit – 1 : 19.03.1940
Unit – 2 : 02.02.1941
Unit – 3 : 10.02.1942
Unit – 4 : 01.05.1948
Unit – 5 : 01.10.1949
Unit – 6 : 07.03.1951
Date of Renovation:
Unit – 1 : 19.11.2001
Unit – 2 : 17.11.2001
Unit – 3 : 20.11.2001
Unit – 4 : 24.08.2002
Unit – 5 : 20.08.2002
Unit – 6 : 19.08.2002
1st stage machine (Unit# 1 to Unit# 3)
a) Type : Horizontal shaft single runner Pelton wheel
b) Make : Alstom
c) Design Net Head : …570. Mts.
d) Rated Output : 5 MW
e) Output Max./ Min : 5 MW/2 MW
f) Normal Speed : …750 RPM
g) Runway speed :1450 RPM
h) Disc. Through Machine : …0.91M3
2nd stage machine ( Unit # 4 to Unit # 6)
a) Type : Horizontal shaft single runner Pelton wheel
b) Make : Unit # 4 & Unit # 5 Alstom and Unit # 6- Voith Hydro Pvt Ltd
c) Design Net Head : …570. Mts.
d) Rated Output : 7.5 MW
e) Output Max./ Min : 7.5MW/2 MW
f) Normal Speed : …750 RPM
g) Runway speed :1435 RPM
h) Disc. Through Machine: 1.63 M3/ s
1st stage machines ( Unit # 1 to Unit # 3)
a) Type : 3Ø,y SH1/05/08/H
b) Make : Alstom France
c) Rated Voltage : 11000V
d) Rated Out put : 5550.KVA
f) Speed : 750RPM
g) Power Factor : 0.9
2nd stage machine ( Unit # 4 to Unit # 6)
a) Type : 3Ø,y SH1/09/08/H
b) Make : Alstom France
c) Rated Voltage : …11000V
d) Rated Out put : …9330.KVA
f) Speed : …750…… RPM
g) Power Factor : 0.9
3. GENERATOR Transformers
GT # 1
- Type: delta/ star
- Make: Volt Amp
- Rated voltage: 11/66kV
- Rated ouput:6000kVA
GT # 2
- Type: delta/ star
- Make: Volt Amp
- Rated voltage: 11/66kV
- Rated ouput:6000kVA
GT # 3.
- Type: delta/ star
- Make: Volt Amp
- Rated voltage: 11/66kV
- Rated ouput:6000kVA
GT # 4
- Type: delta/ star
- Make: TELK
- Rated voltage: 11/66kV
- Rated ouput:8825kVA
GT # 5
- Type: delta/ star
- Make: Volt Amp
- Rated voltage: 11/66kV
- Rated ouput:10000kVA
GT # 6
- Type: delta/ star
- Make: TELK
- Rated voltage: 11/66kV
- Rated ouput:8825 kVA
4. Power evacuation
a) 66kV Pallivasal -Sengulam
b)66kV Pallivasal- Karimanal No.1
c)66kV Pallivasal -Karimanal No.2
d) 220kV Pallivasal -Idukki
e) 220kV Pallivasal- Udumalpett
f) 220kV Pallivasal- Aluva
g) 220kV Pallivasal- Kothamangalam