The Centralised Customer Care Centre was established as part of the Centrally aided project of RAPDRP -Part A scheme and has been functioning since February 2014. The main objective of this 24*7 Centralised Customer Care Centre is to ensure that all the consumer complaints, service requests/queries are registered, acknowledged and addressed efficiently by routing the same to the respective responsible offices (if required) and to follow-up and update the status to the consumers, till it is completely resolved and acknowledged.
For ensuring the same, the Centralised Customer care has 2 vital unit offices functioning, namely:
- 24x7 Centralised Call Centre
- Corporate Service Centre
1. 24x7 Centralised Call Centre:
- The Centralised Call Centre works 24*7 for handling customer complaints, customer queries & service requests from consumers of KSEBL across the state.
- The Centralised Call Centre works on a shift basis with 4 batches of Customer Relation Assistants(Senior Assistants/ Junior Assistants) with 1 Supervisor (Senior Superintendent ) in each batch.
- A consumer can register a complaint/service request through various sources provided as the following:
- Automatically via Toll free (IVR) - 1912/0471-255544
- Manually with the help of CRAs - 1912/0471-255544
- Automatically via Cloud Telephony (IVR 2) - 9496001912
- Whatsapp Chatbot - 9496001912
- WSS (Web-Self services) portal - wss.kseb.in
- The customer relation assistants (CRA) are responsible for handling all the consumer calls incoming through the toll free number provided once the consumer dials 9, requesting to talk to a CRA for conveying their grievances and clearing the queries.
- The CRAs, on verification of the necessary software, elucidates the consumer query in the best way possible or if necessary register their complaint/service request in a centralized complaint handling software.
- The Supervisors help the CRAs in attending the escalated complaints/queries so as to attain cent percentage consumer satisfaction.
- An average of 1000 - 1500 calls are received and handled at the Centralised Call Centre on a daily basis.
- The Centralised Customer Care Centre also provides a State Emergency with phone number 9496010101 for intimating electrical accidents across the state which needs immediate intervention, by informing the same to the concerned section office for an urgent immediate action.
- The toll free number has only 48 incoming channels and there are only 11 CRAs per shift now. As a result, only 11 consumer calls will be passed through at a time and the others will have to wait in a queue.
- In order to avoid this waiting time, a completely automated complaint/service request registration service was introduced - Cloud Telephony services. Through the cloud telephony service, ‘n’ number of consumers can automatically register their complaint/service request via IVR and Whatsapp, without being held in a queue and also with no manual intervention.
- The cloud telephony also provides billing info through its IVR and automated whatsapp chatbot.
- Consumers who don't have smartphones can also register their “No power supply complaints” via SMS in the format: NP<SPACE><13 DIGIT CONSUMER NUMBER> and send to 9496001912.
- In addition to these services, an automatic voice callback facility - “Voice Blast” has also been introduced for sending alerts to consumers regarding their electricity disconnection date via a voice call, one day prior to their disconnection date. Consumers will receive this automated voice callback alert from the phone number 8048214203.
- Consumers can send their complaints/requests over mail at ccc@kseb.in or ccckseb@gmail.com as well.
- An Email complaint manager is entrusted with the job of addressing these consumer complaints/queries including the offline refunding related complainants.
- All the complaints/service requests registered via all the above mentioned sources are processed in the complaint handling software - CCC-ET and through which all consumer complaints/requests are transferred to the concerned section offices for redressal.
- An average of 100 - 150 consumer emails are handled by the Email manager at the Centralised Customer Care.
- The Corporate Service Centre (CSC) is responsible for the bulk posting of payments made by Corporates having more than 10 KSEBL consumers on a monthly and bimonthly basis (now around 2800 consumer bill payments of 110 corporates are being handled by CSC).
- All these bulk payments are manually posted in the OrumaNet (billing software) against the individual consumers, after verifying the bank statements and the list of consumers & payment details sent by each Corporate offices by a Senior Asst. and a Junior Asst. working under a Senior Superintendent.
- An average of Rs. 8 Cr. is being posted at this Corporate Service Centre. Along with this, cash deposited by the consumers through the Cash Deposit Machine installed at CCC is also handled by CSC.