The IT Wing headed by the Chief Engineer (IT) is leading the mission of transforming KSEB in to a fully automated Power Utility for becoming one of the model Utilities in India. Completing the process of building up a solid IT infrastructure which includes Data Centre, DR Centre, Wide Area Network connecting all offices etc. along with necessary software Applications for the core functional areas of the Utility is the primary objective. As part of the above, the following activities are being carried out at various offices of the IT Wing.
- Software development, testing, implementation and maintenance related to the automation of various functional areas.
- Setting up and maintaining IT infrastructure including Enterprise class Servers, Storage, Backup Units, LAN/WAN, Network Security devices etc.
- Assessing hardware requirements, providing technical specifications and conducting technical evaluations for procurement for various offices
- Providing complete technical support for running and upkeeping of IT Systems for around 1200 field offices which contains nearly 15000 desktops and other peripherals
- Arranging IT based training for KSEB employees.
- Implementation of various IT and SCADA Projects under RAPDRP scheme.
Major Projects implemented
The primary importance in the computerization activities is given to the automation of core functional areas of the Organisation. Due to this, the IT Wing has attained considerable achievements in the automation of billing of LT & HT/EHT consumers, Corporate Accounting, Supply Chain Management, Human Resource Management etc. as follows:
1. Orumanet – LT Billing Application
Design, development and field implementation of centralized LT Billing software Orumanet is maintained from this unit. Day to day updations is done as per requirements & tariff revisions.
2. Energize – HT Billing Application
The HT/EHT billing software developed by M/s TCS and subsequently handed over to KSEBL is maintained from this unit. The ENERGISE team work in close association with office of SOR and necessary support to SOR is to be given from this office regarding HT/EHT billing. As the application version is more than 10 years back, new SRS is being prepared for development of new application
3. Revamping of HT/EHT billing application
Board approved Administrative sanction for Rs. 5 crore. RFP finalised and invited. Evaluation of tender is under process.
4. Human Resource Management System – 'HRIS'
Design, development and field implementation of centralized HRM software is maintained from this unit. The HRIS package includes Payroll, PF, Pension and Employee/Office Information System modules and Biometric Attendance Management System. A complete module of Online Transfer including GIS location mapping is also included.
5. Students internship online application portal
Industrial Training is part of the curriculum for various educational courses such as ITI/VHSE/Diploma/Graduate Engineering/M.Tech etc. from students across the State The facility for this industrial training is provided by KSEBL and the Chief Engineer- HRM is the sanctioning authority. A web-enabled software application was developed to facilitate the process of industrial training/ project work/organizational study / research work/ industrial visit etc., with facility to track the application status, to check fee collections details on real time basis approvals etc. by the HRD Cell, under CE(HRM).
6. Green Channel
Applicants can apply online for new HT/EHT connection with all supporting documents including Energization along with required fees
7. eKiran Portal- Integration with eKiran portal
Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) has been launched by Ministry of Power, Govt. of India for continual up-gradation and creation of infrastructure of electricity distribution sector along with implementation of ERP. M/s. Power Finance Corporation (PFC), was entrusted as the Nodal agency of the scheme and M/s. KPMG Advisory Service Private Limited was appointed as the Project Management Agency (PMA). Board had accorded sanction to carry out customization/ development and implementation of supply chain management, Human Resource Management, Finance & audit module in KSEBL under Partial turnkey execution sanction given by PFC. This application named SAMAGRA is handling the following modules in distribution
- Planning & Procurement module
- Inventory Management Module
- Work execution Module
- Finance & Account module.
The above application is deployed to all distribution field offices and 776 electrical sections, subdivision, Division, Circle , Regional store, TMR , MF units & CFPD units. Revenue and expenditure module is deployed across all business units. It is proposed to roll out all the above modules to transmission business units.
9. Web Self Service
Online Consumer Web Self Service portal of KSEBL for viewing bills, consumption and payments online. Different modes of online payments like Netbanking, Credit/Debit Card and UPI are enabled in the portal by integrating 5 banks and 2 payment gateways. Other consumer services like Connected Load change, Phase change, Ownership change, Meter shifting and Tariff change services are also provided online through this portal.
10. Biometric attendance Management System
Implemented in VydyuthiBahvanam Thiruvananthapuram and 14 District offices of KSEBL through M/s Keltron.
11. Online Payments Channels
Direct Integration with Banks
- South Indian Bank
- Federal Bank
- Catholic Syrian Bank
Direct Integration with M/s.Dhanlaxmi Bank – WO issued and integration process completed Agreement execution pending – remarks of FA regarding fund transfer time to be obtained.
Payment Gateways
- Ingenico Pvt Ltd
- Federal Bank
- BBPS – M/s.IndiaIdeas.Com
- Common Service Center/Direct Bank Transfer
- NACH -Direct Bank Debit as per mandate
- SSDG – State Service Delivery Gateway
- KSIDC-Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd portal
All work order and agreements related to online payments are being done from this office.
12. Other IT Initiatives
- UrjaSowhrida(Billing information through email)
- UrjaDoothu( SMS alerts to customers)
- OMS (Outage management system)
- SMART- Safety Application
- Key Performance Indices for evaluation of performance of distribution offices – KPIs
- Fault pass indicator- (CFPD) Application
- 11 KV GIS based mapping for Dyuthi Project
- ProMoS( This application was developed for monitoring the progress of centrally funded projects, DDUGJY, IPDS &Dyuthietc
- Maintenance of KSEBL website, Dam Safety, PETARC, CGRF
- CMO portal User management
- Mobile Applications for Consumers and Employees
- Asset Data Updation Software
- Integration with KSIT Mission for Aadhar Sub AUA
- Support for e-vehicle implementation and integration of Payment gateway
- Support for SOURA implementation
Co-ordination with Kerala State Startups for various IT projects for KSEBL ( Soura Survey Phase I, mobile app & Portal, HIS(Hydrology Information System – Mobile app and portal, E-Vehicle- Mobile app and portal, ERP- Vendor management portal, Geo Coordinates capturing Application, PMS, OLT Application, Power House visit Application), Ongoing process with Start-up ( Soura Phase II Subsidy scheme)
- Outage Management system (UrjaMitra) application integration with REC Transmission Projects Company Limited (RECTPCL) - for II KV outage information
- K-SWIFT (Integration of KSEBL LT Billing Application and 'Swift' the portal of 'Ease of Doing Business' of KSIDC for Processing On-line Service Connection Application of new entrepreneurs)
- Nilaavu (Replacement of streetlights with LED for local bodies)- Integrated with HRIS for login facility
- e-samayam (token system for visitors to KSEB L offices)
- Self -meter reading system-pilot implementation
- Integration of SMS gateway for various applications.
13. Supply of Thermal Paper rolls with advertisements on the back side
Fifty Thousand thermal paper rolls are being distributed to 12 circle offices for printing electricity bills every month, with advertisements printed on the back side of the rolls by M/s Silver campaigns. Advertisements are approved by the CE(IT,CR & Caps) and distribution completion certificate issued by the CE(IT,CR & Caps) to M/s Silver campaigns every month. Agreement with this firm completed on May 2022.
New tender invited and M/s ACE Money was selected for the supply of paper rolls with advertisement on back side of the spot bill paper roll with a premium of Rs 2 per roll covering complete circle for total quantity of 1,16,000 per month.Further vide letter dt:28/2/23, firm has intimated that they had decided to discontinue the agreement with KSEBL for the supply of thermal paper rolls used in Spot Billing Machines. Accordingly, as per the conditions stipulated in clause 12(c) of t he Agreement , the contract of KSEBL with M/s AcewareFintech Services Pvt for t hesupply of thermal paper rolls stands terminated on 28/2/2023, subject to the fulfilment of contractual conditions upto this period.Issues related to pending supply and remittance of premium charges are yet to be settled.
14. Implementation of POS
KSEBL has been using button type PDA machines for Spot Billing and presently, due to the non-availability of spare parts and similar machines, replacement of the faulty machines has become difficult. After analysing various alternatives it was found that android based devices with inbuilt printer generally used as POS machines for card swiping and other online payment is much beneficial. KSEBL, vide order dated 16.03.2023, resolved to invite EOI from all nationalized banks in this regard.
Accordingly, EOI was invited for Android PDA machines with POS payment functions for generating and printing monthly electricity bills using KSEBL app.Four banks participated in the tender and M/s.SBI and Canara Bank has quoted the lowest rent of Rs.90/-+tax. Among the two lowest offers, the proposal of M/s.Canara Bank is more viable as they had waived the transaction charges.The offers with the remarks of FA, has been placed before Evaluation Committee for decision.
15. Reconciliation Module
Online billing is accounted through 18 bank accounts. Reconciliation module developed for reconciliation of online collections through various channel in WSS and Bharat Bill Payment System.
16. Centralised Billing from Corporate Office
Software Module support for centralised billing of Government consumers by consolidating the bills from various Electrical Sections and providing single consolidated bill and collection posting of these bills from SOR office
17. Engaging Startups from Startup Mission for application development
18. Finalisation and procurement of computers and accessories to all electrical sections and other field offices.
19. Coordination of IT Technical committee and IT hardware external committee.
20. Technical support for RDSS ITOT projects.
21. BSNL and Airtel connectivity related matters and payment.
22. RFP invited for Push SMS.