SCADA/EMS systems are the eyes and ears of Grid operators and also act as platforms for information dissemination of real-time generation and load schedules. In light of continuous reforms in the Power sector, real-time Grid management activities are becoming complex and require decision-making platforms updated with the latest visualization and capable of handling big data and compliant with cyber security requirements. Even though several advanced features facilitating increased Grid Management requirements were incorporated in the existing SCADA system which was commissioned in 2015-16, it has become insufficient to accommodate a faster rate of Grid expansion necessitating faster and more complex Grid management activities. Accordingly, it has been proposed to go ahead with the gradation//replacement of the existing SCADA/EMS system at SLDCs & RLDCs with a commissioning time frame of early 2025.
The proposed unified SCADA Up-gradation framework includes the implementation of SCADA/EMS systems at all SLDCs & RLDCs in the Southern Region on a common platform based on uniform technical specifications and a common time frame of implementation in a coordinated manner. It was deliberated in SRPC/OCC/special meetings that this approach in earlier projects has ensured timely implementation with uniform systems & practices without any issues related to inter-operability, database updation, maintenance, optimized power availability, etc. Further, the invitation of bids for the entire Region provides an economy of large-scale procurement for all the entities in the Southern Region (SR). M/s Grid India has volunteered to co-ordinate and offer consultancy to all Constituents without any additional charges.
Technical specifications and BOQ are finalised by M/s Grid India in consultation with all the constituents and a combined tender for the Southern Region was floated on 6.03.2023. Bid evaluation is in progress and it is expected that the LoI can be placed within 2 months so that the project can be completed by March 2025.