Capacity - 4x12.7 MW
In the case History of Power development in Kerala State, the first Power Project was Pallivasal Hydro Electric Project, and it was commissioned in 1940. The Sengulam Hydro Electric Project commissioned in the year 1954 was the next project soon after the commissioning of Pallivasal Project. In other words, Sengulam Project was mainly intended to utilize the tailrace water of Pallivasal Project. For this purpose, Sengulam balancing Reservoir was formed by constructing a dam at Sengulam. This Reservoir is of low storage capacity - 2.31 MCM (Dead storage – 1.61MCM + effective storage-0.70MCM). The water level of Sengulam Balancing Reservoir is 10 M higher than the tailrace level of Pallivasal Project. So a pump house is provided at Pallivasal Power House to pump the tail water (of PHEP) to the Sengulam Balancing Reservoir. The water level in the Sengulam Balancing Reservoir is kept within the limits carefully to avoid spilling over of the dam. The Sengulam Generating Station is located at Vellathooval Panchayath on the right bank of Muthirapuzha river. This project is one among the projects of “Muthirapuzha basin” which is the cascaded arrangements of Maduppetty, Pallivasal, Sengulam, Panniar, Neriamangalam and Lower Periyar Hydro Electric Projects.
There are 4 Nos. of machines each having a capacity of 12.7 MW. The turbines used are of Horizontal axis double runner Pelton type.
The renovation works of this station was carried out during the period of 2001-2002, as the part of Panniar- Pallivasal-Sengulam Hydro Upgrading Project (PPSHUP) by M/s. SNC lavlin Inc., Canada. Before renovation the capacity of each machine was 12 MW.
Salient Features:
Location with district : Vellathooval, Idukki Dist.
Category : Hydro Power Project
Capacity : 50.8 MW
River : Muthirapuzha
Dam :Sengulam
Annual Energy Potential : 180 MU
Reservoir : Sengulam Balancing Reservoir
Catchment Area : 5.18 Sq. K.M (2. Sq. Miles)
Gross Storage : 2.31 MCM
Generation per MCM : 0.787 MU
Design Head : 343.4 Mts.
Full Reservoir level (FRL) :2780.01969 Ft. (847.35 M)
Min. Draw Down Level (MDDL) :2771.9816 Ft.
Design Disch. through Machine : 4.4802 M3/sec
Date of Commissioning:
Unit – 1 : 01.05.1954
Unit – 2 : 25.07.1954
Unit – 3 : 11.11.1954
Unit – 4 : 05.01.1955
Date of Rennovation:
Unit – 1 : 30.11.2002
Unit – 2 : 04.10.2002
Unit – 3 : 05.12.2001
Unit – 4 : 05.01.1955
a) Type : Horizontal Axis Pelton Turbine
b) Make : ALSTOM CANADA INC. Granby Quebec, Canada
c) Design Net Head : 343.4Mts.
d) Rated Output :MW (6725 KW/runner nominal)
e) Output Max./ Min :…… MW/……. MW
f) Normal Speed :600 RPM
g) Runway speed :……… RPM
h) Disc. Through Machine : 4.4802 M3/sec
a) Type : 3Ø Y SHZ/14/10/H
c) Rated Voltage : 11000 V
d) Rated Output : 14.111 KVA
f) Speed :600 RPM
g) Power Factor : 0.90
3. GENERATOR Transformers
a) Type :SOCRB
b) Make : TELK
c) Rated Voltage : 11kV/66kV
d) Rated Output : 15000 KVA
4. Power evacuation
a) 110kV NRSG feeder
110kV SGUD feeder
b) 66kV SGML feeder
66kV SGPV feeder
c) 11kV – 4 nos feeders