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KSEBL Management Team

Corporate Office
Sl. No. Name                             Designation Office Location Office Phone Number Mobile Number
1. Smt. Sajitha Kumari T S CE  ( IT, Customer Relations & CAPs) Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2514610 9496011747
2. Smt. Geetha. M CE ( HRM ) Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2514402  9446008444
3. Sri. Praveen M A CE ( Supply Chain Management ) Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2514525, 0471-2514700 9496018448, 9446008137
4.   CE ( Commercial & Tariff ) Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2514551 9446008581
5.   CE (Projects) Thiruvananthapuram  0471-2514554 9446008899
6.  Sri. Prasanthan Kani. B. K   IPS Chief Vigilance Officer Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2444554 9496018700
7. Sri. Sajeev .E.P Secretary (Administration) Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2447472 9446008012
8. Sri. S.H.Panchapakesan LA & DEO Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2514676 9446008015
9. Sri. Ram Mahesh. R Chief Personnel Officer Thiruvananthapuram  0471-2514472 9496018669
Finance Wing
Sl. No. Name                             Designation Office Location Office Phone Number Mobile Number
1. Sri. Anil Rosh.T.S Financial Advisor  Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2445807 9446008014
2. Smt. Lekha. G Chief Internal Auditor (Additional Charge of Company Secretary) Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2448584 9446008208
Generation Wing
Sl. No. Name                             Designation Office Location Office Phone Number Mobile Number
1.   Director Gen(Ele) in charge Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2514522 9446008111
Director (Generation-Civil) in charge
2. Sri. Anil Kumar .K.R CE (Generation - Moolamattom) Moolamattom 0486-2252273 9496009370
3. Sri. Nandakumar S CE (Chairperson State Dam Safety Organisation) - (Dy Chief Engineer, Civil, Research & Dam Safety Organisation, Pallom in charge) Pallom 0471-2448972 9496018719
4. Sri. James Wilson CE (Projects - Planning) (Exe. Engineer O/o CE(Civil Dams & Safety & DRIP) in charge) Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2556366 9496011730
5. Smt. Saina S CE (Buildings)  (Exe. Engineer, O/o CE(Civil Construction, North) in charge) Kozhikkode 0495-2765902 9446008206
Transmission Wing
Sl. No. Name                             Designation Office Location Office Phone Number Mobile Number


CE (Transmission South) Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2446471 9446008010
2. Sri. Viju Rajan John CE (Transmission) System Operation Kalamassery 0484-2555950 9446008202
3. Smt. Santhy. K CE (Transmission North) Kozhikode 0495-2361944 9446008205
4. Smt. Sheeba.K.S CE (Transgrid) Shornur  0466-2220249 9446008207
Distribution Wing
Sl. No. Name                             Designation Office Location Office Phone Number Mobile Number
1. Smt. Jamily V C CE (Distribution South) Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2462574 9446008011
2. Sri. Prasad V N CE (Distribution Central) Ernakulam 0484-2306245 9446008201
3. Smt. Rajini. K.S CE (Distribution North) Kozhikode 0495-2766962 9446008204
4. Sri. Hareesan Mottammal CE (Distribution North Malabar) Kannur 0497-2707202 9496010000


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