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Information Technology - OBJECTIVE

To equip KSEBL with a completely digitized software platform in such a way to perform efficiently, securely and agile in an evolving digital world  for becoming the best Power Utility in India.

Important Updates


2015-16: Continuing Progress

Tariff change updates integrated into "ORUMA" software.
Recognition in the Digital India Knowledge Exchange Summit 2016 for "Best Digital India Initiatives."
Migration of around 680 electrical sections to "OrumaNet," offering online payment and web-based services.


2012-13: Advancements

Redesigning and modification of "ORUMA" software for centralized architecture.


2004-05: Further Expansion

Introduction of hand-held billing devices for spot billing.
Completion of computerization of LT billing, cash collection, and accounting in 185 electrical sections.


Achievements in the Formation Year 2002-03:

Installation of computer systems and internet connectivity in all electrical division offices.
Provision of email facilities in distribution circles and electrical division offices.


2002-03: Structured Growth

MIS Cell is headed by the Director and State Public Information Officer.

Assisted by Joint Directors in Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, and Kozhikode.

Key areas: MIS, Computerization, Implementation of "Right to Information Act-2005," Library, and Records Management.


Early 2000s: Formation of MIS Cell

  1. Formation of the Management Information System (MIS) cell.
  2. Designed as a decision support system for streamlined information flow.
  3. Initially operated under the direct control of the Chairman.
  4. Corporate-level information is made accessible to the Chairman and Board Members.


1999-2000: Laying the Foundation

Initiation of an IT policy for computerization within KSEB.
Chief Engineer (Corporate Planning) tasked with overseeing IT implementation.


2015-16: Continuing Progress


  1. Tariff change updates integrated into "ORUMA" software.
  2. Recognition in the Digital India Knowledge Exchange Summit 2016 for "Best Digital India Initiatives."
  3. Migration of around 680 electrical sections to "OrumaNet," offering online payment and web-based services.
  4. Integration of HRIS with Single Sign-On Module and development of various modules.
  5. Successful implementation of Pay Revision 2016 in HRIS.
  6. Maintenance and expansion of the HT/EHT billing system with web-based consumer services.
  7. Introduction of cash deposit machines in the Centralized Customer Care Centre (CCC).
  8. Establishment of a corporate service center at CCC for bulk/corporate consumers.
  9. Pilot implementation of e-office (paperless office) in 25 KSEBL offices.
  10. Establishment of a Data Centre in Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Trivandrum.
  11. Connection of around 680 electrical sections to the Data Centre.
  12. Deployment of Video Conferencing Systems in various locations.
  13. Software development for Geographical Information System, Meter Data Management System, Energy Audit, and Network Analysis.
  14. Deployment of PDA (spot billing machines) in RAPDRP towns.
  15. Initiation of Facility Management Services (FMS) for RAPDRP-IT implementation.

Featured Articles


As part of implementation of Part-A of RAPDRP, SCADA/DMS project for remote controlling and monitoring  distribution systems was successfully implemented in Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam and Kozhikode towns. Main features of SCADA/DMS.. Read More



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