As part of the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) launched by the Government of India, various loss reduction and system strengthening works are planned under Transmission SBU to strengthen the sub-transmission network and improve the reliability and quality of power supply. In the Phase-1 of RDSS (loss reduction works), augmentation of about 500 km of existing 33 kV overhead lines using covered conductor / UG cables is being implemented at an estimated cost of Rs.186 Crores. In the Phase-2 of RDSS (system strengthening works), construction of 29 nos. of new 33 kV Substations and 888 km of 33 kV lines are planned at an estimated cost of Rs. 900 Crores.
Further, to build a robust sub-transmission network in the State, KSEBL plans to implement unitized 33 kV substations with Ring Main Units and associated interconnected 33 kV lines. Additional proposals amounting to about Rs.2500 Crores have been submitted to the Ministry of Power, Govt of India for financial assistance under RDSS. The proposal includes the construction of 358 nos. of 33 kV unitized substations of various ratings from 500 kVA to 5 MVA 33/11kV transformers and 2238 km 33 kV lines using covered conductor and UG cables.