The toll free number has only 48 incoming channels and there are only 11 CRAs per shift now. As a result, only 11 consumer calls will be passed through at a time and the others will have to wait in a queue.
In order to avoid this waiting time, a completely automated complaint/service request registration service was introduced - Cloud Telephony services. Through the cloud telephony service, ‘n’ number of consumers can automatically register their complaint/service request via IVR and Whatsapp, without being held in a queue and also with no manual intervention.
The cloud telephony also provides billing info through its IVR and automated whatsapp chatbot.
Consumers who don't have smartphones can also register their “No power supply complaints” via SMS in the format: NP<SPACE><13 DIGIT CONSUMER NUMBER> and send to 9496001912.
In addition to these services, an automatic voice callback facility - “Voice Blast” has also been introduced for sending alerts to consumers regarding their electricity disconnection date via a voice call, one day prior to their disconnection date. Consumers will receive this automated voice callback alert from the phone number 8048214203.