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Connected Load Change

Things to know
1. Service Name Connected Load Change
2. Description of the service

Reduction/enhancement of connected load/contract demand on request by the consumers.

Note: Consumers shall apply for enhancement of contract demand in case of consumers under demand-based tariff and of connected load in the case of others.

3. Eligibility conditions of applicant for availing the service (if any)
  1. The applicant should be the legal owner/tenant/occupant of the property/building.
  2. The application for enhancement of load shall not be considered if the consumer is in arrears of payment of the dues payable.
  3. Any application for reduction of connected load or contract demand shall be accepted only after six months from the date of original energization for LT connections and only after one year from the date of original energization for HT or EHT connections.
  4. Request for reduction of connected load or contract demand shall be entertained only  once in six months thereafter.
4. Fees applicable and payment options available
  1. SINGLE PHASE: Application fees: Rs. 25/- ; IF/TF: Rs. 25/-
  2. THREE PHASE: Application fees: Rs. 25/- ; IF/TF: Rs. 50/-

If the enhancement of load is feasible, the consumer shall:- 

  • pay an additional security deposit, expenditure for alteration of service line and  apparatus, if any, required to be made, and the cost to be borne by the consumer for modification of distribution system if any, within fifteen days of receipt of the demand note; and 
  • execute a supplementary agreement.
5. Designated Officer/Office for service delivery Assistant Engineer of the concerned section office
6. Online application processing procedure and process flow
  1. Create an account with KSEBL by registering in the KSEBL Web Self-Service Portal - wss.kseb.in.
  2. Apply for Connected load Change by logging in and uploading the necessary documents.


1. Once application is submitted by the consumer through any of the channels provided by KSEBL, the application will be received at the concerend section office were service is requested.
2.On receipt of the application form, the section official will verify the application form and assign an official for providing requested serivce as per the delegation of powers.
3.The assgined official will conduct site inspection if required, within the stipulated time specified in the Kerala Electricity Supply Code 2014 and assess the requirements required for providing requested service.
4.An estimate of works required for effecting the requested works will be prepared by the inspecting official and submitted for approval
5.As per the inspection report, sanction will be given if in order and demand note of the estimated amount will be raised as per the cost data approved by KSERC if any works are required for effecting the requested service. 
6.Once the consumer remits the estimated amount, priority will be assigned for completing the works involved in effecting the requested service. 
7.Officials will be assinged for completing the service at premises of  the consumer and also for updating the service status in softwares
8.Requested service will be effected within stipulated time mentioned in the Kerala Electricity Supply Code 2014

For more details refer chapter V of the Supply code 2014

7. Service timeline

15 days from the day of completion of the site inspection.

8. Comprehensive list of required documents

For LT :-   Test cum Completion certificate with sketch  issued by a licensed contractor.

For HT:-    Energization certificate with sketch from electrical Inspectorate.
9. Contact details of the supporting officer (including Telephone No and Email ID) Concerned Section Office / 1912 (Tollfree Customer Care number)


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