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LT Consumers

LT- 1- Domestic
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2027
Fixed Charge Energy
Fixed Charge Energy
Fixed Charge Energy
0-40 Nil 1.5 Nil 1.5 Nil 1.5 This Rate is Applicable only for BPL Category
with Connected load of And below 1000W
0-50 40 100 3.25 45 120 3.3 50 130 3.35 Telescopic
51-100 65 140 4.05 75 160 4.15 85 175 4.25
101-150 85 170 5.1 95 190 5.25 105 205 5.35
151-200 120 180 6.95 130 200 7.1 140 215 7.2
201-250 130 200 8.2 145 220 8.35 160 235 8.5
0-300 150 205 6.4 190 225 6.55 220 240 6.75 Non-Telescopic
0-350 175 210 7.25 215 235 7.4 240 250 7.6
0-400 200 210 7.6 235 240 7.75 260 260 7.95
0-500 230 235 7.9 265 265 8.05 286 285 8.25
Above 500 260 260 8.8 290 290 9 310 310 9.2
0-50 40 100 1.5 40 100 1.5 40 100 1.5 BPL family having Cancer Patients or Permanently Disabled person as family members due to polio or accidents with Connected load of And below 2000W
51-100 65 140 65 140 65 140
The tariff for domestic consumption by the families of the victims of endosulfan tragedy in Hosdurg and Kasaragod Taluks of Kasaragod District shall be Rs.1.50 / unit for a monthly consumption up to 150 units. If the consumption of the consumer, who is eligible for the above concession, exceeds 150 units per month, the consumption in excess of 150 units will be charged at the rates specified for the slabs 151-200 units or 201-250 units as the case may be. This concession will not be available for the consumers with monthly consumption above 250 units.
ToD Tariff for Domestic Consumers with consumtion above 250units/month
  Normal Period
( 06hrs to 18 hrs)
Peak Period
(18 hrs to 22 hrs)
Off Peak Period
(22 hrs to 06 hrs)
Six months consumtion shall be monitored from normal bi-monthly redings during January/February and July/August every year. If the average monthly for the first and second half of the year is above 500units, the consumer will be brought under ToD system after installing ToD meter in the premises.
Tod Based billing will be done whenever the monthly consumption exceeds 500units. If the consumtion falls below 250units/month, in any month , slab based billing shall be followed.
Energy Charge
90% of
the ruling tariff
125% of
the ruling tariff
100% of
the ruling tariff
LT- II- Temporary Connections
Energy Charge(Rs./kWh) Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
  12.5 12.5 12.5
Daily Minimum of Rs.100/kW or part thereof of the connected load, whichever is higher.
LT- III- Temporary Extensions
Fixed Charge per day -Rs.65/kW or part thereof of, the temporarily connected load plus the
Application fee,test fee etc. Energy charges shall be recovered from the consumer where from extension is availed , At the tariff applicable to him.
Note:Temporary extension shall be allowed only for a maximum period of 15 days at a time.
LT- IV(A) – Industry
  Category Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Connected load Of and below 10kW
( Rs. Per consumer per month)
140 140 140
Connected load above 10kW and upto 20kW
( Rs. Per kW or part thereof per month)
85 90 95
Connected load above 20kW
( Rs. Per kVA or part thereof per month )
200 210 215
Connected load Of and below 10kW 5.8 5.85 5.9
Connected load above 10kW and upto 20kW 5.8 5.9 5.95
Connected load above 20kW 5.85 5.95 6
General Conditions relating to installation of capacitors will apply
LT- IV(B) – IT AND IT Enabled Services
  Category Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Connected load Of and below 10kW
( Rs. Per consumer per month)
165 175 175
Connected load above 10kW and upto 20kW
( Rs. Per kW or part thereof per month)
120 130 135
Connected load above 20kW
( Rs. Per kVA or part thereof per month )
200 210 220
Connected load Of and below 10kW 6.5 6.6 6.65
Connected load above 10kW and upto 20kW 6.5 6.6 6.7
Connected load above 20kW 6.6 6.7 6.8
General Conditions relating to installation of capacitors will apply
ToD Tariff for LT Industrial Consumers with
connected load of and above 20kW
  Normal Period
( 06hrs to 18 hrs)
Peak Period
(18 hrs to 22 hrs)
Off Peak Period
(22 hrs to 06 hrs)
Billing Demand during the month x demand charge per kVA
Energy Charge
90% of
the ruling tariff
150% of
the ruling tariff
100% of
the ruling tariff
Demand/Energy charges for LT industrial consumers with a connected load of and above 20KW , shall be as per the tariff approved in this schedule.
Power factor Incentive/disincentive
Above 0.95 and upto 1.0 ( incentive) 0.5% of the energy charges for each 0.01 unit increase in power factor from 0.95
0.90 and upto 0.95 (Penalty) 0.5% of the energy charges for every 0.01 fall in power factor below 0.95 and upto 0.90
Below 0.9 (Penalty) 1% of the energy charges for every 0.01 fall in power factor below 0.90
No Penalty and incentive for consumers with leading power factor.
LT-V(A)- Agriculture
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
  General Conditions relating to installation of capacitors will apply
Fixed Charge ( Rs. Per kW or part thereof per month) 20 20 20
Energy Charge ( Rs./kWh ) 2.3 2.35 2.4
LT-V(B)- Agriculture
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Fixed Charge ( Rs. Per kW or part thereof per month) 20 25 30
Energy Charge ( Rs./kWh ) 3.4 3.4 3.4
General Conditions relating to installation of capacitors will apply
LT-VI(A)- General(A)
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Fixed Charge ( Rs. Per kW or part thereof per month) 80 85 90
Energy Charge
( Rs./kWh )
(Non Telescopic
Of and below 500 kWh (all units) 5.8 5.9 6
Above 500 kWh (all units) 6.65 6.75 6.85
LT-VI(B)- General(B)
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Fixed Charge ( Rs. Per kW or part thereof per month) 105 110 115
Energy Charge
( Rs./kWh )
(Non Telescopic
Of and below 500 kWh (all units) 6.5 6.6 6.65
Above 500 kWh (all units) 7.15 7.25 7.3
LT-VI(C)- General©
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Fixed Charge ( Rs. Per kW or part thereof per month) 190 195 200
Energy Charge
( Rs./kWh )
(Non Telescopic
Of and below 500 kWh (all units) 7.15 7.15 7.15
Above 500 kWh (all units) 8.65 8.65 8.65
LT-VI(D)- General(D)
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Fixed Charge ( Rs. Per consumer per month) 35 35 35
Energy Charge ( Rs./kWh ) 2.1 2.1 2.1
LT-VI(E)- General(E)
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Fixed Charge
( Rs. Per consumer
Per month)
Single Phase Consumers 50 50 50
Three Phase Consumers 120 125 130
Energy Charge
( Rs./kWh )
Non Telescopic
0 to 50 units per month 3.7 3.75 3.8
0 to 100 units per month 4.7 4.75 4.8
0 to 200 units per month 5.4 5.45 5.5
Above 200 units per month 7.1 7.15 7.2
LT-VI(F)- General(F)
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Fixed Charge
( Rs. Per kW or part thereof
Per month)
Single Phase Consumers 90 105 105
Three Phase Consumers 180 195 195
Energy Charge
( Rs./kWh )
Non Telescopic
0 to 100 units per month 6 6 6
0 to 200 units per month 6.8 6.8 6.8
0 to 300 units per month 7.5 7.5 7.5
0 to 500 units per month 8.15 8.15 8.15
Above 500 units per month 9.25 9.25 9.25
LT-VI(G)- General(G)
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Fixed Charge
( Rs. Per kW or part thereof
Per month)
Single Phase Consumers 80 90 90
Three Phase Consumers 165 175 175
Energy Charge
( Rs./kWh )
Non Telescopic
0 to 500 units per month 5.85 5.85 5.85
0 to 1000 units per month 6.6 6.6 6.6
0 to 2000 units per month 7.7 7.7 7.7
Above 2000 units per month 8.6 8.6 8.6
LT-VII(A)- Commercial(A)
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Fixed Charge
( Rs. Per kW or part thereof
Per month)
Single Phase Consumers 90 95 95
Three Phase Consumers 175 190 190
Energy Charge
( Rs./kWh )
Non Telescopic
0 to 100 units per month 6.05 6.05 6.05
0 to 200 units per month 6.8 6.8 6.8
0 to 300 units per month 7.5 7.5 7.5
0 to 500 units per month 8.15 8.15 8.15
Above 500 units per month 9.4 9.4 9.4
LT-VII(B)- Commercial(B)
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Fixed Charge
( Rs. Per kW or part thereof
Per month)
Connected load upto 1000W
(Rs. Per consumer/month)
60 65 70
Connected load above 1000W upto 2000W
(Rs. Per Kw/month)
70 75 80
Energy Charge
( Rs./kWh )
Non Telescopic
0 to 100 units per month 5.3 5.35 5.4
0 to 200 units per month 6.1 6.2 6.25
0 to 300 units per month 6.7 6.8 6.9
LT-VII(C)- Commercial©
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Fixed Charge ( Rs. Per kW or part thereof per month) 130 140 145
Energy Charge
( Rs./kWh )
Non Telescopic
0 to 1000 units per month 6.3 6.35 6.4
Above 1000 units per month 7.8 7.75 7.8
LT-VIII(A)-Composite Tariff approved for Unmetered Street Lights
Type of Lamp     Rs/lamp/month
Burning hours per day
Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2027
4 hours 6 hours 12 hours 4 hours 6 hours 12 hours 4 hours 6 hours 12 hours
Ordinary 40 27 41 82 28 42 84 29 43 86
Ordinary 60 41 61 126 42 62 129 43 63 131
Ordinary 100 69 103 207 70 105 211 71 107 215
Fluro.tube 40 27 41 82 28 42 84 29 43 86
Fluro.tube 80 54 82 165 55 84 168 56 86 171
Flood Light 1000 691 1036 2073 705 1057 2114 718 1076 2152
MV Lamp 80 62 86 177 63 88 181 64 90 184
MV Lamp 125 94 138 275 96 141 281 98 144 286
MV Lamp 160 119 177 354 121 181 361 123 184 367
MV Lamp 250 184 275 552 188 281 563 191 286 573
MV Lamp 400 295 440 882 301 449 900 306 457 916
SV Lamp 70 52 79 155 53 81 158 54 82 161
SV Lamp 80 59 86 177 60 88 181 61 90 184
SV Lamp 100 73 110 220 74 112 224 75 114 228
SV Lamp 125 94 138 275 96 141 281 98 144 286
SV Lamp 150 110 165 331 112 168 338 114 171 344
SV Lamp 250 184 275 552 188 281 563 191 286 573
SV Lamp 11 6 10 20 6 10 20 6 10 20
CFL 14 8 12 26 8 12 27 8 12 27
CFL 15 9 14 27 9 14 28 9 14 29
CFL 18 11 16 32 11 16 33 11 16 34
CFL 22 14 20 40 14 20 41 14 20 42
CFL 30 19 27 54 19 28 55 19 29 56
CFL 36 22 32 66 22 33 67 22 34 68
CFL 44 26 40 79 27 41 81 27 42 82
CFL 72 44 66 130 45 67 133 46 68 135
CFL 144 86 130 259 88 133 264 90 135 269
CFL 9 3 5 12 3 5 12 3 5 12
LED 12 5 6 17 5 6 17 5 6 17
LED 15 6 8 22 6 8 22 6 8 22
LED 18 6 14 25 6 14 26 6 14 26
LED 20 9 14 28 9 14 29 9 14 30
LED 24 12 17 37 12 17 38 12 17 39
LED 25 12 17 39 12 17 40 12 17 41
LED 30 14 20 47 14 20 48 14 20 49
LED 35 16 25 48 16 26 49 16 26 50
LED 40 19 28 56 19 29 57 19 30 58
LED 45 20 30 66 20 31 67 20 32 68
LED 70 33 48 98 34 49 100 35 50 102
LED 80 36 56 112 37 57 114 38 58 116
LED 110 50 78 153 51 80 156 52 81 159
LED 150 69 106 209 70 108 213 71 110 217
MV Lamp on semi high mast only for 12 hrs burning per day 1200     2669     2722     2771
SV Lamp on semi high mast only for 12 hrs burning per day 250     556     567     577
LT-VIII(B)- Metered street lights and Traffic Signal Lights
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Fixed Charge ( Rs. Per meter per month) 90 95 100
Energy Charge ( Rs./kWh ) 4.8 4.9 5
LT-IX- Display Lighting and Hoardings
  Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Fixed Charge ( Rs. Per Connection per month upto 1kW 700 700 700  
For every additional 1kW,
Above 1kW (Rs./kW /month
150 150 150  
Energy Charge ( Rs./kWh ) 12.5 12.5 12.5  
LT-X- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
      Up to 05.12.2024 from 05.12.2024
to 31.03.2025
from 01.04.2025
to 31.03.2026
Solar hrs
(9am to 4 pm)
NonSolar hrs
(9am to 4 pm)
Solar hrs
(9am to 4 pm)
NonSolar hrs
(9am to 4 pm)
Fixed Charge
( Rs. Per kW or part thereof per month)
Energy Charge ( Rs./kWh ) 5.5 7.15 5 9.3 7.15 5 9.3


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