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New Connection (Non-domestic)

Things to know
1. Service Name New Connection (Non-domestic)
2. Description of the service

Application of a new service connection (non-domestic purpose) satisfying the following pre-requisites:

  1. Complete the installation of the meter board with proper earthing.
  2. Ensure wiring completion with ELCB/RCCB.
3. Eligibility conditions of applicant for availing the service (if any)
  1. The applicant should be the legal owner or legal tenant of the property/building.
4. Fees applicable and payment options available

All Low Tension(LT) applicants can submit online applications for new service connections by payment of Application Fees of Rs 50 /- .

LT Domestic category applicants having connected load up to and including 20 kW who require only Weather Proof service less than or equal to 35 m (i.e. not requiring construction of OH line including phase addition, installation of support poles, pole insertion, etc) for effecting service connection can opt for Package Connection (Service connection before field verification). Such applicants can remit online all the requisite fees for a new service connection including Application fees, Security Deposit, and entire expenditure for the Service connection. For such applicants, a connection shall be arranged (possibly in two working days time) if there is no pending service connection application in that category. The inspecting personnel accompanying the team effecting the service connection will verify the details. However, if any additional information, consent, or sanction is required for effecting the service, the service connection will not be effected until necessary orders are obtained from the competent authority. The applicant has to agree to remit additional amounts if any, on demand, after inspection.

For applicants where overhead line extension or installation of poles (support, insertion etc) is required for effecting service connection, the cost can be ascertained only after field inspection. Such Applicants can submit their application online and pay the required Application Fee. The cost (Estimated cost for Service connection + Security Deposit) thus ascertained during field inspection will be intimated to the applicant through e-mail and SMS after inspection and the applicant need to remit the amount subsequently.

5. Designated Officer/Office for service delivery Assistant Engineer of the concerned section office
6. Online application processing procedure and process flow


1. Once application is submitted by the applicant through any of the channels provided by KSEBL, the application will be received at the concerend section office were service is requested.
2.On receipt of the application form, the section official will verify the application form and assign an official for providing requested serivce as per the delegation of powers.
3.The assgined official will conduct site inspection if required, within the stipulated time specified in the Kerala Electricity Supply Code 2014 and assess the requirements required for providing requested service.
4.An estimate of works required for effecting the requested works will be prepared by the inspecting official and submitted for approval
5.As per the inspection report, sanction will be given if in order and demand note of the estimated amount will be raised as per the cost data approved by KSERC if any works are required for effecting the requested service. 
6.Once the consumer remits the estimated amount, priority will be assigned for completing the works involved in effecting the requested service. 
7.Officials will be assinged for completing the service at premises of  the consumer and also for updating the service status in softwares
8.Requested service will be effected within stipulated time mentioned in the Kerala Electricity Supply Code 2014

For more details refer chapter V of the Supply code 2014

Click here to know more

7. Service timeline
  1.  Inspection of the premises of the applicant and preparation of the cost estimates, and issuance of demand note including security deposit: seven days from the date of receipt of application form.
  2. Giving the connection: one month from the date of receipt of the application.

Provided that the priority for releasing connections shall be fixed with reference to the date of remittance of required expenses and security deposits and submission of the required documents. 

 The overall timeline for releasing a new electricity connection, from the date of receipt of a completed application and all payments as per the demand note, shall be as specified here under in the cases where supply can be provided only after the extension or augmentation of the distribution system.

  • LT line including conversion from single phase to three-phase: forty-five days for the first one kilometer or part thereof and fifteen days for every additional kilometer or part thereof.


8. Comprehensive list of required documents
  1. Proof of Identity of the Applicant: Electoral Identity Card/Indian Passport/Driving Licence/Ration Card/Photo Identity Card issued by any Government Agency/PAN Card/AADHAR Card/Photo Identify Certificate from Village Panchayat or Municipality or Municipal Corporation).
  2. Proof of ownership or occupancy of the premises: Ownership certificate of the building issued by Municipal Corporation or Municipality or Panchayat or Township / Ownership or Possession certificate of the land issued by competent Revenue authority / Certified copy of title deed or lease agreement/letter of authorization from the Punja/Kole Special Officer in the case of agricultural connections for dewatering/ letter of allotment in the case of industrial estates or industrial parks or Special Economic Zones). An applicant who is not an owner but an occupier of the premises/tenant shall furnish a no-objection certificate from the owner of the premises along with any of the documents listed above. For the below-mentioned category of applicants, the following documents shall also be submitted along with the application form.

Agricultural connection: In the case of agricultural connections in Punja or Kole land, a letter of authorization from the Punja / Kole special officer is required. If water is to be pumped from state-owned rivers, canals, ponds, wells, etc, NOC from an authorized officer also is required
Non-domestic Kiosks, telecom towers, and temporary structures: NOC for kiosks or temporary structures from the Municipal corporation or Municipality or grama Panchayat or land development authority or land-owning agency..

If Service Connection is required for juridical persons, e.g. company (proprietary or partnership), trust, educational institution, Government department or similar institution, a letter of authorization/resolution will be required along with proof of identity.

A letter of allotment from a competent authority is required for Service Connections in industrial estates/industrial parks or Special Economic Zones (proof of ownership is not required in this case).

3.  The test cum completion certificate of the premises wiring issued by a licensed wiring contractor should be produced at the time of field inspection.

9. Contact details of the supporting officer (including Telephone No and Email ID) Concerned Section Office / 1912 (Tollfree Customer Care number)


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