Consumer Grievance Redressal Forums (CGRFs)
The Electricity Act 2003 envisages protecting the interests of consumers by making it mandatory for licensees to establish Consumer Grievance Redressal Forums(CGRFs) for the redressal of grievances of consumers. The Act insists that Forums for Redressal of Consumer Grievances shall be set up by all Distribution utilities. As per Sub Section (5) of Section 42 of Electricity Act 2003, the Board has constituted as per BO dated 16.03.2006 - Consumer Grievance Redressal Forums(CGRFs) for each region - Southern, Central & Northern with the Chairperson in the rank of Deputy Chief Engineer (Electrical) with headquarters in Kottarakara, Ernakulam and Kozhikode enabling the consumers to approach a forum to redress their grievances. The CGRF discharges its functions as provided in the Electricity Act 2003 and Regulations issued by the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission and orders by the Distribution licensee in this regard and any amendments thereon. Consumers whose grievances are not settled by the CGRF or aggrieved by the decision of the CGRF can approach the Ombudsman appointed by the State Commission. These dispute resolution or grievance redressal mechanisms provide a 'fast-track - route' for resolving the problems of electricity consumers.
KSEB (Northern Region)
The Deputy Chief Engineer (Chairperson),
Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, KSEB,
Vydhyuthi Bhavanam, Gandhi Road,
Kozhikode -673011
Ph: 0495-2367820,
E-mail - cgrfkzd@kseb.in
KSEB (Central Region)
The Deputy Chief Engineer (Chairperson),
Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum,
PHONE # 0484-2556500, 9496008719 ,
E-mail - cgrf.ekm@gmail.com
KSEB (Southern Region)
The Deputy Chief Engineer (Chairperson),
Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum,
PHONE # 0474-2451300, E-mail - cgrf.ktra@kseb.in
Electricity Ombudsman
Electricity Ombudsman is a statutory authority appointed or designated by the State Commission. Any consumer aggrieved by non-redressal of the grievance under CGRF, may approach the Electricity Ombudsman. The Ombudsman has been entrusted with the task of settling the grievance of consumers as per the provisions of KSERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal and Electricity Ombudsman) Regulations 2005.
The office of the Electricity Ombudsman located at :
The State Electricity Ombudsman,
D.H Road, Offshore Road Junction, Near Gandhi Square,
Ernakulam, Kerala - 682 016.
Phone: 0484-2346488
Mobile: +91 8714356488
Email : ombudsman.electricity@gmail.com
Website: www.keralaeo.org
For latest Orders of the Ombudsman
Consumer Advocacy Cell and Compliance Examination
The Consumer Advocacy Cell (CAC) under the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission is working towards creating awareness among the consumers about the power sector and the regulatory process thereby ensuring consumer participation in the Electricity Regulatory Process. CAC is aiming to enlighten the consumers about the Regulatory mechanism and their role in the functions of the Electricity Regulatory Commission by conducting classes at various centers and publishing newsletters, pamphlets , etc;
Objectives of the Consumer Advocacy Cell
- Promote consumer education and empower them to participate effectively in the regulatory process.
- To act as a source of information to consumers and provide them with the necessary guidance on various electricity related issues.
- To arrange workshops and training programmes for unorganized consumer groups.
- To publish newsletters, pamphlets, fact sheets and other informative materials.
- To recommend to the Commission on matters relating to consumer protection.
To enlighten the consumers about the Regulatory mechanism and their role in the functions of the Electricity Regulatory Commission, Consumer Forums were formulated at various places across the state to interact with the common consumers in their area. These Consumer Forums are to be educated in the Regulatory affairs and they in-turn can empower the consumers in their area through classes and distribution of pamphlets enabling them to respond and take part effectively in the regulatory process. The response was tremendous. Pamphlets in Malayalam were printed on Standards of performance, Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum & Electricity Ombudsman, Tips on Energy saving, Fees & charges payable by the consumers for various services from the licensee etc; and were distributed to the participants.
Complaints of a general nature / violations of the Regulations reported to the Consumer Advocacy Cell are brought to the attention of the Commission And taken up with the licensees for corrective actions.
All licensees in the State including KSEBoard are expected to comply with the provisions of the Regulations and orders issued by the Commission. A Compliance Examiner has been posted in the Commission’s office at Thiruvananthapuram to look into the complaints /reports of non-compliance by the licensees.Consumers and general public can send reports on non – compliance or violation of the provisions of the Electricity Act-2003 and Regulations to the Compliance Examiner directly.