Board Orders
449/2024 (DGE/G1/SGHEP Unit No.4 revival/2024-25)
Sabarigiri HEP - Request for according sanction for engaging a dedicated crew for round the clock continuous monitoring of Unit No. 4 machine - Sanctioned
Date: 2024-10-30450/2024 (SCM/XT/148/2018-19/AEE7/200MVA/BHEL)
Supply of 4 Nos. of 200MVA, 220/110kV 3 Phase Auto Transformers - Failure of DSC test on Transformer bearing Sl. No.2050536 - Failure analysis report
Date: 2024-10-30437/2024(SEC/Estt.5/E32378/2024)
Board authorizes and directs action against the retired employees who are responsible for the financial loss caused to the Board
Date: 2024-10-15427/2024 (SCM/XT/AEE7/139/2020-21/20MVA/ ATLANTA)
Requirement of 33Nos. 20MVA, 110/11KV Three Phase Transformers against Purchase Plan 2023-24 & 2024-25 - Purchase of 10Nos.(50%) as additional quantity
Date: 2024-10-08424/2024 (DD/AE6/2024/PP/22663)
Implementation of New Framework for Procurement Plan 2024-25 - Extension of procedure followed in procurement prior to 31.03.2024 - Sanctioned
Date: 2024-10-05423 /2024 (KSEBL/LA/DEO/240/2024-LC2)
Order dated 26.06.2024 of the Hon'ble Additional District Magistrate, Wayanad for shifting of electric lines at the expenses of the licensee - Compliance of the order
Date: 2024-10-05409/2024 [D(T&SO)/T3/General/24-25]
Quarry operations near Transmission lines and Substations - Relaxation granted by the Board on the distance specified in CEA Regulations 2010
Date: 2024-09-27406/2024 (DGC/AEEI/Maripuzha/2022)
Execution of Maripuzha Small Hydro Electric Project (2x3MW, 14.84 Mu) - cancellation of tender and acquisition of Tribal land through RFCT LARR ACT, 2013 -Sanctioned
Date: 2024-09-27397/2024 (DGC/AEEV/Marmala/2014)
Marmala Small Hydro Electric Project (7 MW /23.02 Mu) - Remittance of land acquisition amount to Revenue Department as per LARR Act - Sanctioned
Date: 2024-09-13398/2024 (DGC/AEE II/JJM/2024)
Jala Jeevan Mission - Mankulam, Adimaly and Pallivasal drinking water supply scheme of M/s. Kerala Water Authority- Sanction requested for laying of water line
Date: 2024-09-13393/2024 (Fin.1/Credit/Rebuild Wayanad/2024)
Rebuild Wayanad - Contribution to Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund - Sanctioned -Orders issued
Date: 2024-09-10CS.3/FTD/Govt-Approval/2014
General guidelines of meetings of Full Time Directors
Date: 2024-09-07388/2024 (KSEB/DIR/DIST/68/2023-AE1)
Enhancing contract demand in favour of Police Head Quarters, Vellayambalam under Electrical Section, Vellayambalam- Sanctioned
Date: 2024-09-04389/2024 (KSEBL/FA/AAA/33/2024-S1)
Innovation Fund & Escot - Manufacturing of Communicating Fault Pass Indicator (CFPD) under Electrical Circle, Palakkad - Withdrawal of excess amount accounted
Date: 2024-09-04374/2024 (CE(Projects)/AEII/BESSNEW/2024)
BESS implementation in KSEBL - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2024-08-24373/2024 (KSEBL/CE/IT/PD/22/2023-AE5-Part(1))
Letter of Authorization (LoA) for M2MSP registration in Saral Sanchar portal -Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2024-08-23369/2024 (KSEBL/CE/HRM/BILL/1/2023-B9)
For addition of additional educational qualification in the gradation list - issuing order regarding cost of verification of authenticity of certificates
Date: 2024-08-16370/2024 (CEIT/RITU/KFON/Lease of Fibres/2024-25)
Monetisation of spare dark fibres (OPGW) of KSEBL deployed as part of KFON Project -Proposal submitted - Orders issued
Date: 2024-08-16371/2024 (CMD/109/Consultant (Civil)/2024-25)
Appointment of Chief Consultant and Principal Consultant (Civil) in KSEBL on contract basis - Approving the appointment of selected candidates
Date: 2024-08-16363/2024 (DGE/G3/AEE2/TELK/2024-25)
Supply of 2 nos of 18MVA Generator Transformer for Panniyar HEP and 3 nos of 35 MVA Generator Transformers for Kakkayam HEP by TELK Angamaly
Date: 2024-08-14359/2024 (CE/SCM/Trans.contract/Mfs/2022-24)
Transportation, loading & unloading of raw materials for fabrication works from suppliers and transportation, loading and unloading of finished line materials
Date: 2024-08-13355 /2024 (KSEBL/DIR/E31670 Dyuthi Mission Summer2025 2024- DPMD)
Dyuthi Mission Summer 2025 - Immediate action to complete the Dyuthi project on time - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2024-08-08352 /2024 (KSEB/CEREES/KUSUMC/6MW/2022-23)
Implementation of 6 MW solar project at Moongilmada in the land of Irrigation department - Proposal for land lease terms and conditions - Sanctioned
Date: 2024-08-06348/2024 (CEIT/RITU/RDSS SCADA/2024-25)
Implementation of SCADA/DMS project in Kerala under RDSS Scheme - Selection of SIA for Group A Towns - Re-tender - Orders issued
Date: 2024-07-31340/2024 (PS1(B)/DA&DR Revision/2022)
Revision of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief to the Employees and Service/Family Pensioners of the KSEB Ltd with effect from 01.01.2022
Date: 2024-07-26321/2024 (KSEBL/SEC/ESTT/345/2024-S1)
Estt- Inclusion of Chickenpox in the list of contagious diseases eligible for special casual leave - Adoption of Government Order - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2024-07-19318/2024 (KSEBL/SEC/ESTT/405/2024-S3)
Establishment - Relaxing the existing DPC norms - Amendment of B.O.(FB) No.392/2012 (Estt III/CR-Rules/2006) dated 18.02.2012 - Committee constituted
Date: 2024-07-12293/2024 (CSC/AE2/ Zero accident/2023-24)
Recognize and to appreciate the zero accident Section, Sub Division, and Division Offices - 2023 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2024-06-27272/2024 (CEIT/RITU/RDSS/SCADA-CC/2023-24)
RDSS-SCADA Project - Construction of Control Centre Buildings in Group A towns - Adopting the EPC mode of contract & Authorization of Head Consultancy Wing
Date: 2024-06-03267/2024 (CSC/AE2/FTD /2022-23
Distributing B-Alert voltage proximity detectors to Linemen & Electricity workers of all Electrical Sections under Electrical Circle, Thiruvananthapuram -Sanctioned
Date: 2024-05-30263/2024 (DGC/AEEI/Cost Effective Design2024)
Cost effective implementation of Small Hydro Electric Projects - Hand book on "Guidelines for Cost effective implementation of Small Hydro Electric Projects March 2022"
Date: 2024-05-27253 /2024 (KSEBL/SEC/ESTT/118/2024-S)
Establishment - Disbursal of Pensionary Beneifts without delay to employees retired from service - Adoption of G.O.(P) No.46/2023/Fin dated 08.05.2023
Date: 2024-05-24252/2024 (KSEBL/SEC/PD/67/2024)
Special Casual Leave to employees having children undergoing chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer
Date: 2024-05-24247/2024 (CE(SCM)/XD1-AE2/PO19/SBEE Cables/Delivery schedule extension)
Supply of 862 km HT ABC of size 3X120+Insulated Messenger 1X95 HT ABC-Request of M/s.SBEE Cables(India) Ltd to extend the delivery schedule - Sanctioned
Date: 2024-05-22238/2024 (DGC/AEE II/PRICE/2024)
PRICE Software version 3.0 in KSEBL - Appointing master coordinator -Sanctioned-Orders issued
Date: 2024-05-17231/2024 (DGC/AEEIV/Dam Safety/Staff/2022-Part (2))
DRIP II - Hiring an Environmental Specialist in SPMU on contract basis, to assist in Environment Studies, and implementation of Environmental
Date: 2024-05-14216 /2024 [(T&SO)/T4/Power Crisis/2024-25]
Power crisis - Efforts to manage peak demand - Proposal for running two diesel generator units of KDPP for 3 hours in a day during May 2024
Date: 2024-05-10220/2024 (DGE/G2/AEE3/THEP/2023 - Part (2))
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of firefighting systems at Thottiyar 40(1x10+1x30) MW Hydro Electric Project - Request for time extension
Date: 2024-05-10218 /2024(CEIT/RITU/KFON/OFFICERS /2024-25)
KFON Project-Deputation of Officers-Effecting the change from KSITIL to KFON Ltd-Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2024-05-10217 /2024 (KSEBL/DIR/DIST/469/2024AE9)
Submission of Revised DPR and Special package for Malappuram, Kasaragod and Idukki districts to KSERC before public hearing of Distribution Capex Sanctioned
Date: 2024-05-10