Board Orders
Implementation of Upper Kallar Small Hydro Electric Project (2 MW/5.14 MU) Contract with M/s Power Mech - Pentaflo - Hydro Magus - SEW Consortium - Time Extension
Date: 2023-10-04431/2023(CE/SCM/XC/AE3/PSC poles/8mtr/2021-22)
Manufacture and Supply of 8m/200kg PSC poles for the Electrical Circles under Southern, Central, Northern and North Malabar Regions for a period of 2 years
Date: 2023-10-03432/2023(DIRTSO-AEE3/2022/741)
Extension of AMC period for existing SCADA/EMS Systems at SLDC Kerala
Date: 2023-10-03429/2023(TRAC-AEE6/2022/166)
One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS-2023) - Directions to field offices
Date: 2023-09-26428/2023 (LC II/7071/2023)
Conduct of cases involving Kerala State Electricity Board Limited before the Subordinate Courts and other Quasi Judicial Fora - Appointment of Standing Counsel at Court Centre Wayanad
Date: 2023-09-25426/2023(DGE/G1/km enhancement/2023-24)
Enhancing the monthly Kilometer ceiling of school trip (from Moozhiyar to Seethathodu) to 1500kM from the sanctioned monthly limit of 1200km
Date: 2023-09-18424/2023(DIRTSO-AEE3/2023/1296)
Construction of new 33 kV RMU based substation at INKEL, Oorakam in Malappuram district - Execution of land lease agreement with M/s INKEL
Date: 2023-09-15425/2023(DIRTSO-AE1/2022/1179)
Evacuation of power from various SHEPs in Iruvanjipuzha river basin in Kozhikode District -Construction of pooling station at Nellipoyil - Land to be transferred free of cost to KSEBL
Date: 2023-09-15423/2023 (EB8/Gr.1/WP(C) No.3216/13/2023)
Compliance of the Judgment dated 04.11.2022 of the Hon'ble High Court in WP(C) No.3216/2013 filed by Sri. K J Joseph, Senior Superintendent (Rtd.)
Date: 2023-09-15418/2023(D(D&IT)/D4/Report/2021-22/0002)
Santhwana Sparsham Adalath - Petition submitted by Sri.Illias M V
Date: 2023-09-05415/2023 (CE/SCM/XM-AE17/eP.13/22-23/33kV Indoor VCB Panel)
Tender for procurement of 33kV Indoor VCB Panel set - Temporary debarment of M/s.Megawin Pvt Ltd from participating in the tender for one year for the bidded items in KSEBL
Date: 2023-08-26416/2023 (Soura -Bank guarantee/2023-24/TVPM)
M/s Waaree - Soura Phase 1-Non subsidy scheme- Performance Bank Guarantee Furnished by M/s Waaree Energies Ltd-Reducing PBG amount proportional to the actual EPC order capacity
Date: 2023-08-26413/2023(DIRDIT/AE5/2023/LOAD REGULARIZATION
Voluntary Declaration of Connected load - Reopening scheme
Date: 2023-08-24412/2023(DGC/AEEIII/MKLM/2014)
Mankulam HEP-Land acquisition-R&R package for project affected people - allotment of 3 cent plots to 5 beneficiaries
Date: 2023-08-23411/2023(Fin 2(B)/Canara Bank/OD/WCDL/TL/2023-24)
Renewal of Enhancement of Credit limits from M/s Canara Bank
Date: 2023-08-23402/2023/CE(REES) AEE8/West Kallada/2023-24
Implementation of 50 MW Floating Solar Project at West Kallada under Ultra Mega Renewable Energy Power Park (UMREPP) by NHPC- cancellation of lease deed
Date: 2023-08-19401/2023 (IT/CU/Samagra/2023-24)
Implementation of ERP application 'Samagra' in KSEBL
Date: 2023-08-19399/2023(Vig/B3/100-305/2022)
Disciplinary action against Sri. Prakashkumar.P.T, Assistant Engineer, O/o the Director (Distribution, IT & SCM) Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Thiruvananthapuram
Date: 2023-08-18400/2023(DIRTSO-AE1/2023/2802)
110 kV Substation, Pattambi - Creating posts of Operating and maintenance staff as per approved staff pattern
Date: 2023-08-18398/2023 (No.CML-EE-2-AEE-2/CE(C&T)/Palakuzhi/2023-24)
Initialling of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Palakkad Small Hydro Company Ltd for procuring power from Palakuzhy SHEP (1MW)
Date: 2023-08-17397/2023 (Estt.II/3352/2023)
Establishment - Compassionate Employment Scheme - Appointment of dependants of KSEBL employees who die-in-harness-Select List for 06/2023- Approved
Date: 2023-08-17396/2023 (SCM/XD/AE2/2023-24)
Procurement of various types of bi-directional energy meters for the year 2023-24-Administrative Sanction
Date: 2023-08-16394/2023(DIRTSO-AEE3/2023/2102)
Disposal of 24 numbers of trees in the compound of 110 kV Substation, Pudukkad - Confirmation of auction
Date: 2023-08-16390/2023 (SCM/XT/AEE5/2023-24/Neccon)
Supply of ACSR Wolf, Dog & Moose Conductor by M/s. Neccon Power & Infra Limited during 2009 to 2011
Date: 2023-08-08388/2023(CE(C&T)/CML-EEI-AEEVI/RSTPS I&II-PPA/2023-24)
MoP scheme for pooled tariff of stations whose PPAs have expired
Date: 2023-08-08385/2023(Fin 2(B)/SBI/Renewal Credit Limit/2023-24)
Renewal of credit facilities - Fund based and Non Fund Based Working Capital Limits of Rs.3100 Crore from M/s. State Bank of India
Date: 2023-08-08383/2023(LF II/LA II/5459 A/1996)
Execution Petition for the execution of the Decree/judgment Hon'ble Principal Sub Judge, Thiruvananthapuram in OS No. 627/2010 filed by Kerala State Electricity Board Limited
Date: 2023-08-08382/2023 (CE(SCM)/XM-AE/eP.43/22-23/HT ABC)
Procurement of 11kV Aerial Bunched Cables of sizes 3X150+ Insulated Messenger 1X120 – 352km and 3X120+Insulated Messenger of 1X95–862km
Date: 2023-08-08380/2023 (CS/FTD-Procedure-Approval/2014)
Kerala State Electricity Board Limited - Committee of Full Time Directors-Standard Procedure-Modification Adoption of
Date: 2023-08-08379/2023 (CS.134/Expert Agencies/2023-24)
Kerala State Electricity Board Limited -Hiring the services of expert / Agencies on retainer, case to case basis tor rendering advice on Legal Matters, Technical matters
Date: 2023-08-08385/2023 (Fin 2(B)/SBI/Renewal Credit Limit/2023-24)
Renewal of credit facilities - Fund based and Non Fund Based Working Capital Limits of Rs.3100 Crore from M/s. State Bank of India
Date: 2023-08-08381/2023(DIRTSO-AE5/2022/2632)
TransGrid 2.0 - Implementation of North Green Energy Corridor project - Construction of 125km, 400kV Double Circuit line from Karindalam, Kasaragod to Payyampally, Wayanad
Date: 2023-08-08377/2023(COM-AEE9/2023/100)
Establishing Letter of Credit in favour of M/s.Jindal Power Limited (unapproved generator under DBFOO) against PSA (Bid 2- 150MW) - Ratified
Date: 2023-08-04373/2023 (SEC-ES-ST6/2022/534)
Request for enhancing Ex-Gratia Family Pension (Special Case) to Smt. N. Padmini, W/o Late K. K. Balan, Overseer (Removed from service) and for sanctioning of Dearness Relief
Date: 2023-08-04372/2023 (SCM/XH-AE2/2022-23/11kV AB Switch/eP. 18)
Allowing M/s. United Eleclrical Industries Limited to furnish the single Bank Guarantee amounting to Rs. 50 lakh, held presently in lieu of security deposit
Date: 2023-08-04378/(PS1/2942/2019)
Order issued regarding the appointment of Mr.Vinod ER (Employee Code 1057787) as a supernumerary post in Vellurkunnam Section
Date: 2023-08-04376/2023 (SCM/XT/AEE7/126/2020-21/8MVA/Toshiba)
Request for extension of delivery period up to actual date of supply at site without penalty by M/s Toshiba-for supply of 10 nos 8 MVA 33/11 KV Transformers - Approval
Date: 2023-08-04375/2023(DGC/AEE I/CMD Note/2023)
EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) Contract - Execution of Projects on EPC Contract basis in KSEBL
Date: 2023-08-04371/2023 CSC/AE2/MIDEA-Time extension/2022-23
Time extension to MIDEA project for the successful completion of the entrusted tasks, and for the fulfilment of future goals which are under development
Date: 2023-08-03367/2023(LA IV)/8483/2016
Disengaging Advocate from the panel of Standing Counsel for KSEB Ltd before the Honble High Court of Kerala
Date: 2023-08-02