Board Orders
369/2023(CSC/AE1/Review-Electrical Accidents/FB/2022-23)
Review of electrical accidents occurred from February 2023 to June 2023 and safety activities and safety awareness programme conducted - constitution of committee
Date: 2023-08-02364/2023(No. DGC/AEE IV/VBTVM/2014)
Essential Modernization/ providing modern modular work amenities in Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Thiruvananthapuram - 1st Phase - Time extension
Date: 2023-08-01363/2023(D(T&SO)/T4/SO/Addn Fibre lease-KCCL/2020-21)
Dark fibre leased to M/s Kerala Communicators Cable Ltd (KCCL) in the Areakode-Kanhirode optic fibre link - Extension of lease agreement period
Date: 2023-08-01362/2023(D(T&SO)/T2/Line Elevation/2023-24)
Elevating the height of Punnapra-Pallom 110KV DC line at Pandarakkulam on Work Deposit basis in connection with upgradation of Alappuzha-Changanassery Road
Date: 2023-08-01361/2023(PSB.5/2004-05/Vallikat)
Manufacture and Supply of PSC poles to Electrical Circles at Thodupuzha and Ernakulam by M/s.Vallikat Constructions, Thodupuzha - settlement of accounts of contract
Date: 2023-07-31360/2023 (Estt.II/2751/2023)
Compassionate Employment Scheme - Appointment of dependants of KSEBL employees who die-in-harness-Select List for 05 /2023-Approved
Date: 2023-07-31358/2023(D(T&SO)/T2/Punalur TSS/2023-24)
Providing connectivity at 110kV, two-phase supply to the newly proposed 110kV Traction Substation at Punalur on deposit work basis - Estimate for an amount of Rs.28.75 crore
Date: 2023-07-31357/2023(No.DGC/AEEIII/O&P/2014)
Implementation of Olikkal (5.00MW/ 10.26 Mu) & Poovaramthodu (3.00MW/ 5.88Mu) SHEPs - Re-Tender cum Auction of trees cut from Poovaramthodu Project site –confirmation of auction
Date: 2023-07-31355/2023 (FA/AA/Accounts 2022-23)
Statement of Accounts of Kerala State Electricity Board Limited as on 31/03/2023 - Initial adoption
Date: 2023-07-31352/2023(LF II/LD I/5817/2019)
Com Suit No.17/2023 (Erstwhile OS No.166/2019) on the file of the Hon’ble 1st Additional Commercial Court (Subordinate Judge’s Court), Thiruvananthapuram
Date: 2023-07-25344/2023 (CS/Cost Audit/2023-24)
Kerala State Electricity Board Limited -Appointment of Cost Auditors for the Financial Year 2023-24
Date: 2023-07-11343/2023 (CS 24/KSEBL-Secretarial Audit)
Kerala State Electricity Board Limited - Appointment of Secretarial Auditor for the Financial Year 2022-23
Date: 2023-07-07342/2023(DGE/G3/LP stator winding)/208
Supply, complete rewinding, supervision, testing and commissioning of VPI insulated stator winding, replacing pole coil leads with new design
Date: 2023-07-07340/2023(DGC/AEEII/JJM/2022)
Jala Jeevan Mission - Drinking water projects KWA - Issuing NOC/permissive
Date: 2023-07-06338/2023(DGC/AEEII/Pumped storage/2022)
Development of Hydro Prolects & Pumped Back Storage Schemes - Draft MoU between KSEBL and Government of Kerala - Ratified
Date: 2023-07-05337/2023(DIRTSO-AE5/2023/2071)
TransGrid 2.0 - Turnkey EPC Contract for "Survey, Design, Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Integration of Interfaces, Testing & Commissioning
Date: 2023-07-05335/2023(D(T&SO)/T4/SO/Optic Fibre Leasing/2019-20)
Request of M/s Bhoomika Digital Cable Services Pvt. Ltd for leasing out two dark fibres in the Kanhirode - Ambalathara - Mylatty optic fibre link
Date: 2023-07-03334/2023(DIRGE-AEE4/2022/705)182
Erection of supplied Electro Hydro Mechanical equipment in power house of Thottiyar (1x10+1x30) MW HEP - Engaging commissioning Engineers
Date: 2023-07-03332/2023(DGE/G3/BSNL tower agreement renewal)
Leasing out 4 Cents of KSEBL Iand at Kathippara to BSNL for establishing Base station of mobile services of BSNL - Renewal of Lease Agreement
Date: 2023-07-03331/2023(DGC/AEE IV/Dam Safety/SDSO/2022)
lmplementation of Dam Safety Act 2021 - Constitution of State Dam Safety Organization (SDSO) -Commencing the functtoning of SDSO - Preliminary Activities
Date: 2023-06-30330/2023(No.DGC/AEEIII/Thottiyar/2014)
Thottiyar Hydro Electric Project - Cutting and removal of 107 Nos. of standing trees (Forest trees) in the acquired land for the reservoir area at Valara
Date: 2023-06-30329/2023(DGC/AEE-VI/LAND/2014)
Land Management Unit for sorting out all land related issues of landed properties of KSEBL in Kerala - Extension of period of Service of Sri Radhakrishnan C.
Date: 2023-06-30327/2023 (SCM/XT/AEE7/126/2022-23/25MVA, 110/22kV/ Tender)
Procurement of 5Nos., 25MVA, 110/22KV Power Transformers — Quantity enhancing - Purchase Plan 2023-24- Transmission Materials
Date: 2023-06-27324/2023(DGE/G3/JJM-Pallivasal)
Jalajeevan Mission- drinking water supply scheme - request of KWA for allotting KSEBL land at two locations in Pallivasal
Date: 2023-06-26323/2023(DGE/G3/Jaljeevan mission-Ponmudi)
Jaljeevan mission - Rajakkad, Baison Valley, Rajakumari, Senapathy Panchayat drinking water supply scheme - Konnathadi, Udumbanchola
Date: 2023-06-26322/2023 (SEC-ES-SA3/2023/318)
Establishment - Leave Without Allowance for employment abroad - Request in respect of Sri. Kishore Kumar. C.P [Employee Code: 1102382]
Date: 2023-06-26325/2023 (Estt.IV/5824/2020)
Establishment - Benefit of Time Bound Higher Grade - Reckoning War/Military Service as qualifying service - Further clarification
Date: 2023-06-26321/2023 (SEC-ES-ST6/2023/87)
Family Pension Arrear from 11/2008 to 08/2019 in respect of Smt. Latha V Nair, W/o Late Vasudevan Nair.P, Deputy Chief Engineer (Rtd) PPO No.23104
Date: 2023-06-24320/2023(D(T,SO,P&S)/T2/Palode SS - Control Room/2023-24)
Construction of Control Room for the proposed 110kV Substation at Palode under Transmission Circle, Thiuvananthapuram - Finalization of Single Tender
Date: 2023-06-24316/2023(D(T,SO,P&S)/T7/FTTH/2022-23)
Request for changing conventional Broad Band land line connection & FTTH plans used in KSEBL offices to FTTH plan (Plan 499 100GB - CS358)
Date: 2023-06-21315/2023(D(T&SO)/T2/Karuvatta Land/2023-24)
Transferring 0.118 Ha of land under the possession of KSEBL at 66kV Substation Karuvatta to NHAI in connection with widening of NH66
Date: 2023-06-21314 2023/CE(REES)/INNOV/T4/DCC/2023-24
Establishment of Renewable Energy Data Center at 9th floor, Vydyuthibhavanam Thiruvanathapuram. Integration of the existing Solar Plants
Date: 2023-06-21317/2023(DIRTSO-AEE3/2023/1500)
110 kV Substation, Palakkal - Assigning sufficient officers/staff for the operation and maintenance
Date: 2023-06-21312/2023(DGC/AEE I/PERVNMZY/General/2022)
Execution of Civil works of Peruvannamuzhy SHEP (6MW/24.70 Mu) - Contract with M/s. Tavasya Venture Partners Private Ltd.
Date: 2023-06-20311/2023(DIRTSO-AE1/2022/1591)
Replacing the OH portion of Nallalam - Kuttikkattur 66kV single circuit line in the premises ULCyber Park with 110kV double circuit UG cable under deposit work
Date: 2023-06-20309/2023(DIRTSO-AE6/2023/2024)
Sale of trees in the premises of 66kV substation, Changanassery under Transmission Circle, Poovanthuruth - Tender cum auction - Confirmation
Date: 2023-06-20313/2023(DGC/AEE I/Chittur Puzha Micro HEP/2023)
Innovative Green Energy Harvesting - Pilot Project - Combination of Micro Hydro Electric Power System in canals of Chittur Puzha Projects
Date: 2023-06-20306/2023(DGE/G3/Pallivasal 220kV)
Optimization of manpower at Pallivasal - reassigning the operation and maintenance of 220KV and 33KV substations at Pallivasal
Date: 2023-06-15303/2023(DGC/AEE IV/Dam Safety/Training-Conference-Meetings/2022)
Darn Rehabilitation and lmprovement Project (DRIP) Phase ll - Institutional Strengthening - Post Graduate Program in Dam Engineering - Sponsoring candidates
Date: 2023-06-12297/2023 (Estt.II/2278/2023)
Establishment - Compassionate Employment Scheme - Appointment of dependants of KSEBL employees who die-in-harness-Select List for 04/2023-Approved
Date: 2023-06-12