Board Orders
754 /2020 (CE (REES)/Filament Free Kerala/2019-20)
Supply of 1 Crore numbers of Nine Watts Light Emitting Diode (9 Watt LED) bulbs under Filament Free Kerala programme- Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-21765/2020/CW/ECC/DGC
Consultancy Wing- Shortage of Essential Staff & required Establishment - System to effect the Posting of Employees to Consultancy Wing -Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-21753/2020/CW/ECC/DGC
Consultancy Wing- Urgent requirement of staff for execution of Electrical works -Sanctioned -Orders issued
Date: 2020-12-21752/2020/ CW/ECC/DGC
Consultancy Wing - Status of Major Works undertaken - Appreciation for the efforts of the Consultancy Wing and further directions
Date: 2020-12-21767 /2020(KSEB/ CG/DBFOO/2020-21
Petition before KSERC seeking approval for the 350MW of contracted power under Bid-2 under DBFOO guidelines - engaging counsel for hearing - Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-21761/2020(D(D&IT)/D5/Scrap/2020-21/0001)
Disposal of 4000 litres of old and unusable transformer oil available at Transformer Field Repair Unit (TFRU), Kollam through Tender cum auction- sale confirmation
Date: 2020-12-21759/ 2020/(DGC/AEEIII/Chinnar/2014)
Chinnar SHEP(24MW)-Completing the tunnel driving ahead of targeted date- Letter of Appreciation -Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2020-12-21756/2020 (No. CE(C&T)/DBFOO/JITPL/2020-21)
Long term procurement of power on DBFOO basis - Deduction in monthly tariff payments due to non approval of fuel surcharge by KSERC
Date: 2020-12-21764 /2020(KSEB/TRAC/CG/Sharing Regulations/2020-21)
Payment of Advocate fee in Petitions filed by KSEBL - Sanction accorded - Orders issued
Date: 2020-12-21758/2020(D(GE)/G2/Vehicle-Kakkayam/2020-21)
Re allocation of Department Vehicle under the Investigation Division, Kozhikode to the Erection Sub Division, Kakkayam - Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-21757 /2020(KSEB/TRAC/CG/JPL case/2020-21)
Payment of Advocate fee in the Petitions filed by KSEBL - Sanction accorded - Orders issued
Date: 2020-12-21755 / 2020/(DGC/AEE-III/THYR/2014)
Implementation of Thottiyar Hydro Electric Project (40 MW/ 99 MU) - Availing loan from M/s REC- Insurance Coverage-Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-21760/2020(DGC /AEEIV/VBTVM/2014)
Annual Maintenance Contract of lifts LG- 1459 & LG - 1116 ( Lift Nos.5 & 6) installed at Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Thiruvananthapuram - Award of Work - Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-21751 /2020 (DGC/AEE II/KAS /LAR/2014)
Kuttiyadi Augmentation Scheme- Land handed over to the Forest Department for Compensatory afforestation in lieu of forest land diverted for the Project
Date: 2020-12-21750/2020 (No. CE(C&T)/CML/EE-2/banking tender -2/20-21)
Summer 2021- Managing power deficit from Feb 2021 to May 2021 -recommendations of the Chief Engineer ( Trans- SO) - cancellation on 20-11-2020
Date: 2020-12-21749/2020 (D(D&IT)/D/AEC/Bldg/5309/2017)
Construction of Electrical Section, Vallithode under Electrical Circle, Sreekandapuram -Revised Administrative Sanction - Accorded
Date: 2020-12-21748/2020 (D(D&IT)/D4/KINFRA/2017-18/0005)
Power issues related to KINFRA -Installation of two nos. of 250 kVA transformers with LT line at KINFRA Plot C, Nadukani, Kannur
Date: 2020-12-21747/2020 (D(D&IT)/D/AEC/Bldg/792/2020)
Construction of building for accommodating Electrical Sub Division and Section, Mallappally under Electrical Circle, Pathanamthitta
Date: 2020-12-21766/2020(LMU/GEN/4/2020-21/330)
Land Management Unit (LMU) - Extension of period of utilization of the services of Smt Thulasi K Nair, Tahsildar(Rtd.) - Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-21763/2020 (DGC/AEE-II/ Dam Safety/2019)
Installation of seismic equipments by National Center for Seismology(NCS) at Chottupara, Idukki District- sanction accorded
Date: 2020-12-21743 /2020 (D (D, IT&HRM)/ D-1/ Safety /2020-21/0002)
Shifting of unsafe electrical line at the expense of the Board - representations from Smt. Shijitha, Punnalath Veedu, Kalluvathukkal
Date: 2020-12-17746 /2020 (D (D, IT&HRM)/D-1/General/2020-21/0017)
Recommendation of the Deputy Chief Engineer, Electrical Circle, Kattakkada for a good service entry to Sri Sabu F, Sub Engineer
Date: 2020-12-17744 /2020 (D(D,IT&HRM)/D-2/Adalath/0022/2020-21)
Petition received from smt. Sheela George, Popular Marbles, Muringoor in Vydyuthi Adalath 2020-Withdrawal of demand
Date: 2020-12-17742 /2020(D(T&SO)/T7/SR/2020-21)
Construction of 66kV Substation Ambalavayal in 110kV parameter auction of trees in the RoW through the land owned by ITDP
Date: 2020-12-17741/2020 D(G-E&SCM)/GL/2020-21)
Manufacturing of PSC poles - Quality issues - Departmenal Supervision - Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-17745/2020 (D (D, IT&HRM)/D-1/OTS/2019-20/0002)
Settlement of arrears of Consumer No. 1156241003522, M/s Hotel Maharani, Pala under OTS scheme 2019- ratification
Date: 2020-12-17740/2020 (CE(C&P)/kuzhalmannam-Solar/2020-21)
ANERT - 2 MW Solar plant at Kuzhalmannam- Initialling of Power Purchase Agreement -Sanctioned Orders issued
Date: 2020-12-16739/2020 (PS1/2942/2019)
Sri. Anil Kumar P. Regarding the passing of an order on an application for protection under Section 20 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016
Date: 2020-12-15738/2020/D(T&SO)/T6/TransGrid/Gl/20-21
Deployment of officers for sanctioned places at the O/o the Chief Engineer, TransGrid, Shoranur- Period of Extension - Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-15737/2020 (LD.I/LBS/22020/03)
Payment of Professional fees to Sri.S.Raghu, Advocate, Bangalore for having conducted Appeal No. E/509/2009-DB
Date: 2020-12-15736/2020 (SCM/TA/Gl./2020-21)
Validity Period of Type Test(s) conducted on Major Electrical Equipment in Power Transmission System and Extension of validity date of Type Test Certificate
Date: 2020-12-14735 /2020(CE-IT / RITU/DR-Cherthala/20-21)
DR Centre of KSEB Ltd. at Infopark, Cherthala-Expiry of lease agreement -Renewal-Revising of rent and Security Deposit - Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-11734 /2020 (DGC/AEE VI/CHKN /2014)
Execution of balance civil works of Chathankottunada SHEP Stage II-Contract with M/s K.K.Builders-Excess items
Date: 2020-12-11732/2020(KSEB/TRAC/CT/KFON/2020-21)
Filing of petition in the matter of prior intimation on implementation of KFON in compliance with directions in the Suo motu order
Date: 2020-12-07730/2020 (DGC/AEE VI/Land/2014)
Travel Facility- An order issued by the Chief Coordinator, Land Management Unit raising the travel limit of the vehicle allotted to it
Date: 2020-12-07731 /2020 (DGC/AEE VI/Galv /2014)
Hot dip galvanization of 6800 MT of 'A' poles fabricated at the Mechanical Facilities of KSE Board Ltd. having length up to 14m in single dip or double dip method
Date: 2020-12-07729/2020 (Fin.IVB)/KFC-LT Loan/2020-21
Long Term Loan of ₹500Crore availed from M/s KFC - repayment of interest - Sanctioned Orders issued
Date: 2020-12-04728/2020(D(D&IT)/D5/Scrap/2020-21/0001)
Disposal of unserviceable Teak Wood Pole scrap available at various Electrical Sections under Electrical Circle, Thiruvananthapuram- Single tender
Date: 2020-12-03727/2020/CML-EE2-AEE-2/Deviar MHEP/2020-21/CE(C&T)
Deviyar Micro Hydro Electric Project(50kW) by M/s Hydro Power- Purchase of Power at Interim Tariff-Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2020-12-02726/2020 (CE-IT / RITU/CDAC/20-21)
Implementation of projects under Smart Power Quality Centre (SPQC) for Distribution Grid - Executing Memorandum of Understanding between KSEBL and CDAC
Date: 2020-12-01