Board Orders
Inviting tender for the procurement of Steel Tubular Mounting Structure for Polymer Type 110kV Surge Arresters - Revised All Inclusive Rate for arriving the PAC amount
Date: 2024-01-046 /2024 (KSEBL/FA/ABP/4/2023-FO 1)
Settlement of the electricity charge dues of Kerala Water Authority - Deploying the recovery measures - Orders issued
Date: 2024-01-047/2024 (DGE/G2/AEE3/Peruvannamuzhy/2023)
E&M works of Peruvannamuzhy SHEP (2x3MW) - Issue of Welfare cess- Sanctioned -Orders issued
Date: 2024-01-04592/2023(DGE/G3/Jalajeevan mission veliyamatttom-NOC)
IHEP-Land Transfer & NOC for providing water storage and supply facility - Veliyamattom -Jalajeevan Mission Arakkulam - Board Order modified - Sanction accorded
Date: 2023-12-30575/2023(SOR-SA3/2023/1016)
Settlement of current charge arrears of M/s. Malabar Cancer Center (LCN 20/3725), Kodiyeri, Moozhikkara, Kannur under OTS Scheme 2023 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2023-12-27558 /2023 (PS-ST 6/2023/3064)
Kerala State Electricity Board Ltd - Holidays for the Calendar Year 2024 -Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2023-12-26559 /2023 (SC-AEE1/2023/15)
Sports Cell - Recruitment under sports quota for the year 2023 - Proposal - Approved - Orders issued
Date: 2023-12-26564/2023(SOR-SA31/2023/1051)/63
Settlement of current charge arrears of M/s.Hotel Chakkys (LCN.No.6/5239) under OTS Scheme 2023 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2023-12-26562/2023(SOR-SA31/2023/1067)/64
Settlement of current charge arrears of M/s. Thomson Graphites Mines & Crucible Work (LCN.No.12/8314) under OTS Scheme 2023 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2023-12-26555/2023 [D(T&SO)/T4/LandPulikkal/2023-24]
Construction of 110 kV Substation at Pulikkal in Malappuram district - Acquisition of 0.8306 Hectares of land under LARR Act - Sanction accorded - Orders issued
Date: 2023-12-23552 /2023 [D(T,SO&P)/T7/Land/Panthalayani/2023]
Construction of new 110kV Substation at Panthalayani in Kozhikode district - Acquisition of 20.83 Are (51.47 Cent) of land under LARR Act - Sanction accorded - Orders issued
Date: 2023-12-23553/2023(CEIT/RITU/RDSS/SCADA-DMS/CC)
Implementation of RDSS SCADA/DMS Project - Construction of Control Center Buildings -Board Order Amendment - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2023-12-23554/2023(D(T&SO)/T2/Punalur TSS/2023-24)
Providing connectivity at 110kV level to proposed 110kV Traction Substation at Punalur on deposit work basis for Railways - Issuing Technical Sanction
Date: 2023-12-23548/2023(SOR-SA31/2023/1059)/61
Settlement of current charge arrears of M/s. P.V.Sadasiva Cinema (P) Ltd (LCN.No.6/6759) under OTS Scheme 2023 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2023-12-21549/2023(SEC-ES-SA3/2023/551)
Establishment - Special Casual Leave to KSEBL employees undergoing dialysis - Adoption of Government Orders- Orders issued
Date: 2023-12-21542/2023(DGC/AEEV/Up-Sen/2015
Upper Sengulam Hydro Electric Project (24 MW/53.22 MU) - Tender Cum Auction for the sale and disposal of trees (220 Nos) located at various sites
Date: 2023-12-20539 /2023/Vig/B2/100-182/2017/4601
Acceptance of recommendations of the Committee - Disbursement of pensionary benefits to retired officers against whom disciplinary proceedings are pending
Date: 2023-12-18538/2023(DIRDIT-AE1/2023/8607)
Sabarimala Festival Season 2023-24 - Contingency expenditure to the staff posted for duty at Sabarimala and Nilakkal - Estimate - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2023-12-18965/2023(GPC1/118/2004)
lmplementation of Pasukkadavu Small HEP (2X2 MW - 10.34 MU) by KSEB Ltd. Obtaining Administrative Sanction from the Government
Date: 2023-12-17534/2023(DIRDIT-AE3/2023/6171)
Karuthalum Kaithangum Adalath 2023 - Petitions with direction of Hon. Ministers and petitions deserving special consideration - Sanction requested to execute the works
Date: 2023-12-14522/2023 (DGC/AEEII/General/PG/2023)
Relaxation in Performance Guarantee for the execution of Public works in the state -Adoption of Government order in KSEBL
Date: 2023-12-08520/2023(DGC/AEE I/CMD Note/2023)
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for investigation of Hydro Electric Projects - "Guidelines for Geological and Geotechnical Investigations of HEPs" - Approved
Date: 2023-12-08519/2023(DIRTSO-AE4/2023/4428)
Hiring of vehicle (Diesel Jeep) with driver for the use of Transmission Construction Section, Chengannur under Transmission Circle, Alappuzha - Extension to two more years
Date: 2023-12-08512/2023(DIRTSO-AE4/2023/4418)
Hiring of vehicle (Tempo Traveller) for the use of Transmission Section (Line Maintenance Section), Malappuram - Tender confirmation
Date: 2023-12-06511/2023(DGC/AEEII/Seng. Penstock/2022)
Rectification and replacement of penstocks, butterfly valves, gate valves & allied works of Sengulam HEP - Time Extension
Date: 2023-12-06507/2023(SOR-ST30/2023/1019)/39
Settlement of current charge arrears of M/s.Palappillil Specified Block Rubbers Pvt Ltd, Karukadam P O, Kothamangalam (LCN.No.25/3275) under OTS Scheme 2023
Date: 2023-12-04508/2023(SOR-ST30/2023/1018)/38
Settlement of current charge arrears of M/s. Palode Paper Mills (P) Ltd, St. Mary's Estate, Kochuvila P O, Peringammala (LCN.No.21/3379) under OTS Scheme 2023
Date: 2023-12-04501/2023(DGC/AEE IV/Dam Safety/Idukki Dam/2022)
KIFB-HILL HIGHWAY-Improvements to Peerumedu - Devikulam road 19/000 to 40/050 & Thodupuzha-Pulianmala road ch.85/500 to 92/167
Date: 2023-11-20498/2023(SOR-SA17/2023/1012)
Settlement of current charge arrears of M/s. Pioneer Wood Products, Vengola (LCN.No.26/4760) under OTS Scheme 2023
Date: 2023-11-17497/2023(SOR-SA26/2023/983)/142
Settlement of current charge arrears of M/s. Rohit Cots Pvt. Ltd., 'Narayana', Krishna Nagar, Poothole, Thrissur LCN.No.31/3410) under OTS Scheme 2023
Date: 2023-11-17493/2023(DIRGE-AEE4/2023/327)
Pallivasal Extension Scheme (2x30 MW) HEP - Erection of supplied E&M equipment and supply and erection of BOP equipment - Request for the time extension of contract completion period
Date: 2023-11-16495/2023(DIRGE-AEE4/2023/200)
Thottiyar 40 (1x10+1x30) MW HEP - Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Governor, Excitation, DCS and Protection Panels - Request for time extension to M/s. ABB India Limited
Date: 2023-11-16489/2023(SOR/SA-28/2023/991)
Settlement of current charge arrears of M/s V - Mart Super Market, Vyttila, Ernakulam (LCN 20/4164) under OTS Scheme 2023
Date: 2023-11-16494/2023(DGC/AEEV/PES-Balance works/2018)
Pallivasal Extension Scheme (2X30 MW) - Balance Civil Works of Tunnel, Surge Shaft, Pressure Shaft, Penstock
Date: 2023-11-16488/2023(SOR-SA31/2023/990)/49
Settlement of current charge arrears of M/s. Chidambaram Tea Estate, Peermade (Marikkar Plantations Pvt. Ltd.) (LCN.No.16/1607) under OTS Scheme
Date: 2023-11-16490/2023(SOR-SA31/2023/1007)/51
Settlement of current charge arrears of M/s. Kanprint Offset printers (LCN.No.13/8128) under OTS Scheme 2023
Date: 2023-11-16491/2023(SOR-SA31/2023/1014)/48
Settlement of current charge arrears of M/s. Saroj Steel Re Rolling Mill (LCN.No.26/2628) under OTS Scheme 2023
Date: 2023-11-16496/2023(SOR/SA-31/2023/1004)/50
Settlement of current charge arrears of M/s. Thamara Rubbers (LCN.No.12/1247) under OTS Scheme 2023
Date: 2023-11-16486/2023(DIRGE-AEE4/2022/705)
Erection of supplied Electro Hydro Mechanical equipment in Powerhouse of Thottiyar 40(1x10+1x30) MW HEP – Request for time extension to M/s. Fitwell Constructions
Date: 2023-11-15487/2023(DGE/G3/Enhancing Km limit GSD Malampuzha)
Enhancing monthly ceiling of vehicle attached to Generation Sub Division & Hiring of vehicle for the use at Generation Sub Division, Malampuzha
Date: 2023-11-15