Board Orders
483/2020 (KSEB/CE(REES)/INNV-EMob/20-21)
Electric vehicles for use in Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Thiruvananthapuram on lease arrangement - Sanction accorded- Orders issued
Date: 2020-07-16476/2020 (SOR/HTB 33/7574/SmartCity/2020-21)
Meter Faulty Penalty - M/s. SmartCity, Kochi (HTB 33/7574) at 11 kV Supply -Waiving of - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2020-07-15475 /2020 (DGC/AEE VI/PSR/2014)
Pazhassi Sagar SHEP (7.5MW)-Rock Excavation Works-Availing Consultancy service of M/s NIRM for suggesting suitable blast designs
Date: 2020-07-14474 /2020/D (T&SO)/T5/2019-20/T&P
Implementation of Transgrid 2.0 Project -Shifting the Post of Executive Engineer (Ele.) from the O/o Deputy Chief Engineer, Transgrid (North)
Date: 2020-07-14473/2020/D(T&SO)/T2/ PTA/Delegation /2020-21
Assigning the Executive Engineer, Transmission Division, Pathanamthitta with full powers of Deputy Chief Engineer for smooth functioning- sanction accorded
Date: 2020-07-14472/2020(D(D&IT)/D-2/General/2020-21)
Difficulties faced in obtaining PTCC/BSNL approval-works undertaken by KSEBL- ratified - Orders issued
Date: 2020-07-14471/2020 (CE(C&P)/Solar/200MW Bid/2020-21)
Procurement of 200 MW Solar power through tariff based competitive bidding on All India basis - remarks submitted to KSERC
Date: 2020-07-13470/2020 (D(D&IT)/D/AEC/Land/5350/2018)
Purchase of land for the construction of building for Electrical Section, Kannanalloor -Payment of Contingency charges to Revenue Department for acquisition of land
Date: 2020-07-13469 /2020 (KSEBL/TRAC/G/Adalath/2019-20)
Vyduthi adalath-2020 - Settlement of petitions taken up with the Board - sanction accorded -orders issued
Date: 2020-07-10466/2020/D(T&SO)/T4/Pinnakkanadu Land/20-21
Construction of 33kV Substation, Pinnakkanadu- purchase of land by negotiation through DLPC -sanctioned- orders issued
Date: 2020-07-09465/2020(DGC /AEEIV/VBTVM/2014)
COVID-19 - Novel Corona Virus Outbreak Control - Purchase of Non-contact Infrared Thermometer for KSEBL offices - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2020-07-09468/2020 (D (D&IT)/D6-AE3/ULD 2018 /2019-20)
Uniform Labour Data- Inadequate rate for work item-"Adding one conductor for street mains" -revision of Labour data - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2020-07-09467/2020(FA/Tax Cell/IT/TDS/2020-21/50)
Income Tax TDS under Section 194N by Banks - Opening of specific bank accounts for imprest purposes - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2020-07-09464/2020/D(T&SO)/T7/TransGrid/GEC/20-21
TransGrid 2.0- Green Energy Corridor II Projects submitted to MNRE in GEC-II -Sanction for tendering North Green Corridor projects
Date: 2020-07-07463/2020(DGC /AEEIV/GNL/2014)
Hiring of residential apartments for the accommodation of Directors of KSEB Ltd at Thiruvananthapuram - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2020-07-06462/2020 (SOR/AMU 2/LCN 19/3053/2019-20)
M/s. Popular Carbides (LCN 19/3053) - Waiver of minimum demand for the closed down period - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2020-07-06461/2020 (Fin.2(C)/PFC-STL/2020-21)
Avaiing Short Term Loan of ₹500Crore from M/s. Power Finance Corporation Limited Sanctioned
Date: 2020-07-06460/2020(Soura/Consumer Agreement/2019-20)
Soura Project, Phase- I - Authorising Deputy Chief Engineers to sign consumer agreements of HT consumers (Model I and II) Approved- Orders Issued
Date: 2020-07-03459/2020 (Soura /3/ SOURA-Subsidy-Domestic/2019-20)
Implementation of Make in India SPV Panels, Inverters and other accessories in solar procurement tenders in KSEBL - as implementing agency-Adopting GO
Date: 2020-07-03455/2020(IT/Proj/IPDS/ERP/2020-21)
Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in KSEB Ltd. under Partial turn key basis /departmental execution as part of IPDS
Date: 2020-07-02456/2020 (D (D&IT)/D6-AE1/Tender /2019-20)
Execution of Dyuthi works- Acceptance of single tender after re-tendering of petty contract works with PAC up to Rs.5 lakhs - Sanctioned
Date: 2020-07-02458/2020 (DGC/AEE-II/ DRIP/General/2018)
DRIP Phase II - constitution of a new DSRP for inspection of dams of KSEBL, with experts from Kerala Water Resources Department, Geological Survey of India
Date: 2020-07-02457/2020(DGC/AEE-III/THYR/2014)
Execution of Balance Civil and Hydro Mechanical Works of Thottiyar Hydro Electric Project (40 MW/ 99 MU) - Contract with M/s PRIL-SSIPL Consortium
Date: 2020-07-02453 /2020 (D(D&IT)/D-2/LV&Int/Tata Coffee/ 2020-21)
Request of Sri. Krant K. James, Sr. Manager, Tata Coffee Ltd, Malakiparai Estate Athirappally Grama Panchayat, Thrissur, an existing HT consumer
Date: 2020-07-01450/2020/D(T&SO)/T4/Veh.20-21
Decommissioning of Departmental vehicle attached to 220kV Substation Sub Division Pothencode - Asset Decommissioning Note and hiring of vehicle- Sanctioned
Date: 2020-07-01449/2020 (DGE/ GI/ Sabarigiri Unit 4/2020-21)
Sabarigiri HEP- Report on vibration analysis of Unit 4 and request for shutdown of Unit 4 of Sabarigiri HEP, Moozhiyar- Sanctioned
Date: 2020-07-01454/2020 (D (D&IT)/D6-AE3/Ease of Doing Business/2018-19)
Special scheme for regularising connected load - extending the scheme period till 31st December 2020 - Sanctioned- Orders issued
Date: 2020-07-01452/2020 (D(D&IT)/D/AEC/Rent/11796/2018)
Extension of agreement period of rent for the building accommodating Electrical Division, Ponnani under Electrical Circle, Tirur - Sanctioned
Date: 2020-07-01451/2020/D(T&SO)/T1/Vilakulam/2020-21
Construction of 33kV outdoor substation at Vilakulam and 6.5Km of 33kV single circuit line from 110kV Substation, Varkala to 33kV Substation, Vilakulam
Date: 2020-07-01446/2020 (Fin 2 (B)/Canara /Covid/WCDL/2020-21)
Availing of Covid loan (WCDL) from M/s Canara Bank Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2020-06-30448/2020 (DGC/AEE V/Ladrum/Land/2015)
Ladrum Small HEP-Land Acquisition- Remittance of contingency charge - Sanctioned -Orders issued
Date: 2020-06-30447/2020(DGC/AEE-III/MKLM/LA/2014)
Mankulam HE Project land acquisition-R & R package for project affected people - allotment of 3 cent plot to 9 Nos beneficiaries- sanctioned
Date: 2020-06-30445/2020(Fin.2(B)/Adhoc/Federal/2020-21)
Availing of Ad-hoc Working Capital Demand Loan of ₹25Crore from M/s Federal Bank -Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2020-06-26444/2020 (EB.4(b)/Ovr (Ele)/Leave/2020-21)/21
Establishment: Conversion of Earned Leave availed against Special Disability Leave (SDL) sanctioned to Sri Ramachandran P (Emp Code 1050786),Overseer
Date: 2020-06-26442/2020/ (KSEBL/CIA/WAD/PPA-1/2019-20)
Constitution of Power Purchase Audit Cell (PPA Cell) in the office of Chief Internal Auditor- Sanction of staff strength - Functions of PPA Cell
Date: 2020-06-25441 /2020 [No. D (D, IT & HRM]/ PAT/ 2019-2020/]
Appreciating the efforts taken by Sri Mohanakumar BV, Deputy Chief Engineer and Sri R Bijuraj, Asst Exe Engineer in matters related to PAT Cycle II
Date: 2020-06-25437/2020/D(T&SO)/T4/ Irinjalakuda Land/20-21
Construction of 220/110kV GIS Substation at Irinjalakuda- purchase of land by negotiation through DLPC - sanctioned- orders issued
Date: 2020-06-25439/2020/D(T&SO)/T6/SO/SAMAST/2019-20
Implementation of SAMAST Framework in Kerala - Revised estimate- Approved- Orders issued
Date: 2020-06-25438/2020 (SOR/AMU 7/HTB 24/7295/2020)
State Public Health and Clinical Laboratory, Thiruvananthapuram (LCN 24/7295) -Compliance of Adalath decision dated 19.02.2020
Date: 2020-06-25443/2020(IT/CU/Covid-19/ACD/2020-21)
Steps to combat the pandemic, COVID 19 - Reassessment of Security Deposit - for LT/HT/EHT consumers - Sanctioned
Date: 2020-06-25