Board Orders
Posting of officers and staff at 110kV Substation KINFRA Park Mattannur
Date: 2023-05-06229/2023(DIRDIT-AE2/Utility Shifting /2022-23/001)
Shifting of utilities in connection with road widening works of National Highway 66 along Kapprikkad to Edappally stretch under Electrical Circle, Thrissur
Date: 2023-05-06224/2023(CEIT/RITU/RDSS/SCADA/SIA/2022-23)
Implementation of SCADA Project under RDSS - Formation of Pre- Qualification / Bid evaluation committee and Technical Committee
Date: 2023-05-04225/2023/CE(REES)/AEE 8/West Kallada FS/22-23
Implementation of 50 MW Floating Solar Project at West Kallada under UMREPP of MNRE by NHPC— cancellation of lease deed
Date: 2023-05-04222/2023(DGC/AEE IV/Apartment for Directors/2022)
Hiring of residential apartments for the accommodation of Directors of KSEB Ltd.- Renewal of rental agreement
Date: 2023-05-03221/2023(No. DGC/AEEIV/PORGL/2014)
Poringalkuthu SHEP (1x24 MW) - Operation and Maintenance of the project components
Date: 2023-05-03220/2023(DGC/AEE IV/Dam Safety/Staff/2022)
DRIP II - Hiring an Environmental Specialist in SPMU on contract basis to assist in Environment Studies and Implementation of Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
Date: 2023-05-03219/2023(SEC-ES-SA3/2022/315)
Establishment - Leave Without Allowance (LWA) for Employment/joining Spouse/Study purpose (Within India or abroad) for workmen and officers of KSEBL
Date: 2023-05-03218 (CSC/AE2/Zero accident/2022-23)
Recognize and to appreciate the zero accident Section, Sub Division, and Division Offices-2022
Date: 2023-04-29215/2023(DGC/AEE V/Forest/2014)
Diversion of 0.7945 Ha. of forest land for laying 220KV Double circuit line from Thottitar Hydro Electric Power to 220 KV LP Madakkathara line for evacuating of power -Forest Clearance
Date: 2023-04-29216/2023(DIRTSO-AE6/2023/983)
Hiring a jeep/equivalent vehicle above 1500 CC with driver for the use of Communication Section, Moozhiyar for a period of three months every year
Date: 2023-04-29217/2023(DIRTSO-AE6/2023/1218)
Handing over of 0.4125 Are of KSEBL land at 110 kV Substation, Koodal to KRFB for widening of Anayadi-Koodal road
Date: 2023-04-29211/2023(KSEB/SCM/XM/AE(A)/2022-23/Purchase Plan 23-24)
Procurement of Distribution, Transmission & Generation Materials for the year 2023-24- Approval of Revised consolidated Purchase Plan
Date: 2023-04-28208/2023(HRD/2023/CE(HRM)/23-24)
Capacity Building Policy of Kerala State Electricity Board Limited-Approved
Date: 2023-04-25207/2023 (PSI/2617/PR/Anomaly/2022)
Modification of Rules for method of appointment of Sub Engineer (Ele) - Promotion against 60% quota between Meter Reader & Overseer as 10:50
Date: 2023-04-25201/2023 (EBPS. 17/GL/117/2023)
Reconstruction of Service Book in respect of Sri.Chandran.P.R (EC:1054980) Rtd, formerly Oveseer, Generation Sub Division, Moolamattom
Date: 2023-04-13196/2023(CE/SCM/XC/AE3/PSC Poles/8m/2021-22)
Manufacture and Supply of 8m/200kg PSC poles for the Electrical Circles under Southern, Central, Northern and North Malabar Regions for a period of 2 years - P.O. issued
Date: 2023-04-13203/2023 (CSC/AE1/Review -Electrical Accidents/FB/2022-23)
Safety Activities and Safety Awareness Programme conducted and review of Electical Accidents occurred from October 2022 to January 2023 - Enquiry by Chief Vigilance Officer
Date: 2023-04-13200/2023(COM-AEE9/2023/53)
Establishing of Letter of Credit against Jhabua Power Limited (Bid 2) with contracted capacity of 100MW
Date: 2023-04-13202/2023(DIRDIT-AE6/2022/710 2)
Comprehensive IT solution for cable TV with Business Process Re - Engineering - Approval of recommendations
Date: 2023-04-13197/Estt.III/6117/2022
Disciplinary actions involving Defalcation of Board’s money — Detailed enquiry by LA&DEO — Amendment to authorize the Chairman & Managing Director
Date: 2023-04-13199/2023 (Estt.IV/6848/2022)
Establishment - Reckoning of prior service rendered elsewhere by the Board employees for pensionary benefits- Modification of Board Order
Date: 2023-04-13198/2023(DIRDIT-AE2/Works /2022/006)
Execution of work for laying 5.2km 11kV UG cable, 5 km LT ABC with 100 LED streetlight installation, installing 84 nos. RMU along with dismantling of existing HT/LT OH line
Date: 2023-04-13195/2023(DIRDIT-AE2/Utility Shifting/2022-23/002)
Shifting of utilities in connection with the construction of 6 lane Elevated Highway along with the development of existing 4 lane road at ground level from Aroor to Thuravoor
Date: 2023-04-13194/2023(DIRGE-AEE1/2023/197)/21
Sabarigiri HEP- Unit 2 -Design,Supply,Dismantling, Supervision of Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Stator rewinding and stator Core re-varnishing
Date: 2023-04-12192/2023(DGC/AEE I/TENDER/GCC/2022)
Review and refinement of General Conditions of Contract applied to Civil Procurement-Adoption of CPWD General Conditions of Contract
Date: 2023-04-11193/2023(DIRTSO-AE6/2022/2318)
Power evacuation from Thottiyar HEP by constructing 400 meter 220kV DC line as LILO from Lower Periyar- Madakkathara feeder - Re-tender invited - Tender excess
Date: 2023-04-11188/2023(DGC/AEEVI/PSR/2014)
Execution of Civil Works of Pazhassi Sagar SHEP 7.5MW (3X2.5MW)-25.16MU-Contract with M/s R.S Development and Constructions India (P) Ltd, Erode
Date: 2023-04-10189/2023(COM-AEE8/2023/13)
Management of power deficit - Inviting short term tender through DEEP portal as per MoP guidelines, for meeting the power deficit during peak hours of May 2023
Date: 2023-04-10187/2023(COM-AEE8/2023/13)
Managing power crisis during peak hours of May 2023 - floating tender in DEEP portal on 20.02.2023 - Outcome of bid - Recommendation of the Standing Committee
Date: 2023-04-10183/2023(DGE/G3/Neriyamangalam WG repl.)
Replacement of Wicket Gate cup seal of Neriamangalam Machines - Sanction for availing spares and services through the OEM, M/s. Andritz Hydro
Date: 2023-04-05185/2023(DIRGE/AEE4/PGL-SHEP/2022)
Execution of Electro and Hydro mechanical works of Poringalkuthu (1x24 MW) SHEP - Time extension for the Period of the Contract
Date: 2023-04-05180/2023(DIRDIT-AE2/OTS/2022/003)
Request for HT connection to M/s.Leprosy Sanatorium, Nooranadu, under Electrical Section, Charummoodu, Electrical Circle, Haripad
Date: 2023-04-05179/2023 (SOR/AMU 8/HTB 20/1985/2022-23)
M/s. Usha Polymers Pvt. Ltd. (defunct) (LCN 20/1985), Muttom, Thodupuzha - Withdrawal of demand from books of account
Date: 2023-04-04178/2023(CE(SCM)/XH-AE1/2022-23/11kV XLPE UG Cable/Gupta)
Supply of 11kV,3x300 XLPE UG cable by M/s. Gupta Power infrastructure Limited - Delivery extension granted - Price refixation done in Additional order clarified
Date: 2023-04-04177/2023 (IT/Proj/RDSS/Smart Meter/2022-23)
Revamped Distriibution Sector Scheme (RDSS) – lmplementation of Prepaid Smart meter in KSEBL - Fresh tender to be invited
Date: 2023-04-01176/2023 [PS1(A)/OLGT-2023/GL for Higher Level Officers]
Guidelines for Online General Transfer of the Higher Level Officers - Approved
Date: 2023-03-31174/2023/CE(REES)/CP/BAK/2020-21
Design, Erection, Testing & commissioning of Grid tied Ground mounted solar PV Power plants at Brahmapuram, Kanjikode and Agali owned by KSEBL
Date: 2023-03-31171/2023(DGC/AEEV/PES-Intake/2017)
Pallivasal Extension Scheme (2x30MW) - Expression of Interest and Request for Proposal for Engineering design, construction works of intake structure
Date: 2023-03-31170/2023(DGC/AEEV/PES-Balance works/2018)
Pallivasal Extension Scheme (2x30 MW) - Balance Civil Works of Tunnel, Surge Shaft, Pressure Shaft, Penstock, Power House and Allied Works
Date: 2023-03-31