Board Orders
220/2021 (DGC/AEEV/Up-Sen/Forest/2021)
Upper Sengulam Hydro Electric Project(24MW)- Stage-1 Forest Clearance- Compliance of conditions- Remittance of NPV & CAT Plan - Sanctioned
Date: 2021-03-25218/2021 (CE(C&P)/CPSU-Solar-NHPC/2020-21)
Sale of Solar power by NHPC Ltd under CPSU scheme of MNRE - Sanctioned Orders issued
Date: 2021-03-24217/2020(No.IT/CU/Door-step/2020-21)
KSEB Services at door-step - Adoption of New Procedure - request for sanction-Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2021-03-24216/2021 (IT/CU/BWSP/Airtel/2020-21)
Primary BWSP for RAPDRP/Non RAPDRP projects in KSEBL-Works contract awarded to M/s Airtel for Connectivity -Request for charges towards shifting of Airtel links
Date: 2021-03-24215/2021 (PS8/Gl/GPAIS/2020-21)
Regarding State Government's (GPAIS) Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme - implementation of new scheme in case of non-renewal
Date: 2021-03-23214 /2021 (No. 25/AE2/2014/CE(PED))
Execution of balance E&M works of Pallivasal Extension Scheme (2x30MW) HEP - Formation of a Technical Advisory committee - Sanctioned
Date: 2021-03-19213/2021 [D(D&IT)/D6-AE2/New Office/2020-21/0001]
Formation of new sub Centres attached to Electrical Section offices – Ratification - Orders issued
Date: 2021-03-19212/2021 (PS1/2942/2019)
Shri. Baiju. B, a lineman of Anchal Electrical Section, suffered 80% disability due to an electrical accident during official duties
Date: 2021-03-19210 /2021 (DGC/AEE VI/URKLR /2014)
Implementation of Upper Kallar Small Hydro Electric Project (2 MW/ 5.14Mu)- Contract with M/s Power Mech - Pentaflo-Hydro Magus-SEW Consortium
Date: 2021-03-19211 /2021 (CE-IT/RITU/NII-AMC/2020-21)
Implementation of National Information Infrastructure (NII) Pilot Project- Signing of MoU with KSITM for claiming payment due to KSEBL - Sanctioned
Date: 2021-03-19208 / 2021 (PS1/2617/PR/2018)
Payment of honorarium to the Pay Revision Committee - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2021-03-18207/2021 (D(D&IT)/D/AEC/Tree Cutting/127/2021)
Disposal of six trees in the proposed site for the construction of Mini Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Pattambi under Electrical Circle, Shoranur - Sanctioned
Date: 2021-03-18206/2021/D(T&SO)/T6/AIS-Package 1/2020-21
TransGrid 2.0 Projects - Construction of 220kV Air Insulated Substations at Manjeri, Chalakudy, Kothamangalam & Chithirapuram - Excess quantities and extra items
Date: 2021-03-18209/2021 (CE-IT/RITU/KFON/PoP//2020-21)
KFON Project - Providing Power Supply to KFON PoPs from the LT Panels at Substations - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2021-03-18204 /2021/D(T&SO)/T4/SO/Tech Standard/2020-21
Technical Standards for Communication Systems in KSEBL- Approved- Orders issued
Date: 2021-03-16202/2021 (No: CE(C&T)/Pilot Scheme II -PTC/2020-21)
Pilot Scheme II - Procurement of aggregated power of 2500MW for 3 years (under Medium Term)- Tariff based competitive bidding
Date: 2021-03-16205/2021(DGC/AEE-II/General/2016)
Adoption of Government Order relaxing the requirement of Performance Security/Security Deposit, Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposit
Date: 2021-03-16203/2021/D(T&SO)/ T6/TransGrid 2.0- NRHTLS/2020-21
TransGrid 2.0 - NRHTLS package - Uprating of Nallalam - Kakkayam & upgrading of Nallalam - Koyilandy 110 kV lines in Northern Region
Date: 2021-03-16201/2021 (CP/Plg.2/NILAAVU/LED Street Lights/KIIFB/2020-21)
Implementation of NILAAVU scheme for replacing conventional street lights with LED Street Lights in all local bodies across Kerala
Date: 2021-03-16200 /2021/Fin2(B)/BOB/WCDL/2020-21
Availing Working Capital Demand Loan of ₹200Crore from Bank of Baroda - Ratified - Orders issued
Date: 2021-03-15199 /2021 (DGC/AEE VI/CHKN /2014)
Execution of balance civil works of Chathankottunada SHEP Stage II-Contract with M/s K.K.Builders - Time Extension - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2021-03-12198 /2021(KSEB/TRAC/SC/R3/2019)
Exclusion of supervision charges in connection with electrical utility shifting in respect of Projects financed by KIIFB-Filing of petition before KSERC - sanctioned
Date: 2021-03-03196/2021(CE (REES)/E-MOBILITY GENERAL/2019-20)
ANERT- Exemption for remittance of electricity charges of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure-Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2021-02-26197 /2021 (CE (REES)/Re Projects/AEE6/Solar - General/2020-21/1416)
Grid connectivity of solar plants -Delay in testing- orders issued
Date: 2021-02-26195/2021 (No.CE(C&T)/CML/EE-2/banking tender -3/20-21)
Summer 2021- Managing power deficit during April 2021 and May 2021 -recommendations of Chief Engineer (Trans- SO)
Date: 2021-02-26194/2021 (No.CE(C&T)/CML/EE-2/STP/e-tender-7/2020-21)
Management of power deficit during Summer 2021 - Short term power procurement during April-May 2021-RfP floated through DEEP portal on 28-01-2021
Date: 2021-02-26189/2021 (D(D&IT)/D4/ComplaintsI/20-21/0007)
Electricity bill for the disconnected consumers of Mathil Moola Colony and related places following the flood at August 2018 under Electrical Section Akambadam
Date: 2021-02-26188/2021 (D(D&IT)/D4/Deposit worksI/20-21/0001)
Pending deposit work (2016-17) under Electrical Section, Chelari- Approval for execution- Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2021-02-26177/2021 (CSC/AE2/General /2020-21)
Using compound walls at various offices of KSEB Ltd for displaying Safety Slogans of KSEBL along with prmotion of IS Quality House wiring cables
Date: 2021-02-26185 /2021 (DGC/AEE VI/CHKN /2014)
Execution of Balance civil works of Chathankottunada SHEP Stage II - Contract with M/s.K.K. Builders- Various requests/ complaints from Local residents
Date: 2021-02-26173/2021(D (D, IT&HRM)/D-1/ complaints/2020-21/0148)
Representation from Asha, SK Bhavan, Avanavancheri - for waiver of OYEC installment arrears-sanctioned- Orders issued
Date: 2021-02-26191/2021(D(D&IT)/D5/Cable-Poles/2020-21/0001)
Cable drawal along electric poles of KSEBL - New applications requesting permission for cable drawal for different purposes - sanction- orders issued
Date: 2021-02-26192/2021(D(D&IT)/D5/Cable-Poles/2020-21/0001)
Cable drawal along electric poles of KSEBL by Cable TV Operators/ Others- pole rental arrears -proposal for settling of long pending cases
Date: 2021-02-26187/2021 (XD/AEEI/SCM140/2019-20)
Supply of 100kVA & 160kVA, 22kV/433V, Distribution Transformers by M/s. Toshiba T&D Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd., Telangana - Extension of delivery period
Date: 2021-02-26186/2021 (XD/AEEI/SCM45/2019-20)
Supply of 11kV/433V, 100kVA, 1 Star rated Distribution Transformers by M/s. Transcon Industries, Hyderabad - Extension of delivery period requested
Date: 2021-02-26190/2021 (D(D,IT&HRM) /D-2/Shifting/17-18 /0033) /2020-21)
Adalath 2020- Petition received from Sri. Biju Kuriakose, Kuruppampadi -Shifting of electric line- passing through his property- Sanction accorded
Date: 2021-02-26183/2021/D(T&SO)/T7/CUG/2020-21
Setting up of EV charging stations across Kerala- Fiber to the home (FTTH ) connection - sanctioned - orders issued
Date: 2021-02-26182 /2021/D(T & SO)/T7/Veh/2020-21
Hiring of Four Wheel Drive Jeep having cubic capacity 1500 and above having side doors and top carrier with driver
Date: 2021-02-26184/2021 (D(D,IT&HRM) /D-2/Shifting/ 0048/ 2020-21)
Shifting of 250kVA transformer at Kizhakkekavala junction, Nedumkandam under Electrical Division, Kattapana - Sanction Accorded - Orders issued
Date: 2021-02-26179/2021(DGC/AEE IV/VBTVM/2014)
Purchase of furniture for various offices in Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Thiruvananthapuram -Sanctioned- Orders issued
Date: 2021-02-26