Board Orders
2748/2008 (PS1/1428/2007)
Pension - Revision of Pension and other related benefits to the pensioners of the KSE Board
Date: 2008-11-112716 /2008 (HRD.7/Trg. Org. Change/2008-09)
Training programme on awaremess about the Organizational Change - Training programme to the core faculty, Training of trainers and training to all employees of the model section - Syllabus
Date: 2008-11-072586/2008 (CP/R&P/Plg-1/REC/2008 - 09)
Cost data for Transmission works
Date: 2008-10-232503/2008 (KSEB/TRAC/COMP(R)/33/05)
Tariff applicable to seafood processing units - implementation of KSERC order dated 01-09-2008
Date: 2008-10-162354 /2008 (PS1/1428/2007)
Pension - Revision of Pension and other related benefits to the pensioners of the KSE Board
Date: 2008-09-242355 /2008 (CP/R&P/Plg/Gl/2008-09)
Delegation of powers of Officers of KSEBoard- Revised
Date: 2008-09-242197/2008 (DPCII/T&C of Supply.02/2008-09)
Procedure simplification - Simplification Service Connection Procedure
Date: 2008-09-022164/08 (Plg.Com 4576/Waiver of MD/08)
Waiver of minimum demad charges/fixed charges for electricity in respect of all the closed LT/HT Industrial units and plantations-Implementation of the Government Order
Date: 2008-08-301856/2008 (TPC3/CUG/2008)
Revitalizing Communication facility in Kerala State Electricity Board using Mobile Phone network under CUG-Extending the CUG network connection to the field officers and offices in KSE Board
Date: 2008-07-281817/2008
Introduction of Power Restriction to HT/EHT/deemed HT consumers including licensees/Railways from 25.07.2008 - Procedure for implementation
Date: 2008-07-241772/08
K.S.E.Board - Revision of TA/DA rates and Re-classifications of employees for the purpose of TA & DA rates
Date: 2008-07-171766/2008 (PS1/OPR/2007)
KSE Board - Revision of scales of pay, allowances etc. of the officers of the Board - Isolated Area Allowance - Ratification
Date: 2008-07-161229/2008
Modifications to Rule 28A & Rule 37(a) of Part I, Kerala Service Rules - Adoption of Government Orders
Date: 2008-05-161190/2008 (CP/RES/R&I unit/08-09/26)
Setting up of Research & Innovation unit in KSEB - Reconstitution of members
Date: 2008-05-121007/08 (Tender-II/120/08-09)
Direct remittance of electricity charges by Mobile Telecom Companies by RTGS/NEFT mode
Date: 2008-04-24750/2008 (MIS/CU/130/FC/2007-08)
Computerization in KSEB- Formation of various Functional Committees for the development of application software
Date: 2008-03-26735/2008 (PS1/1752/2007)
Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief to Board employees/pensioners - Revision with effect from 01.07.2007
Date: 2008-03-25729/2008 (Estt.V/5870/2007)
Scheme for reward to informants / Officers for detection of theft of energy - Clarifications
Date: 2008-03-25436/2008 (DPC.II/CTV-General/2008)
Regularization of unauthorized cable TV Operators - Extension of cut off date
Date: 2008-02-18432/2008 (DPC1/C-Gl/206/2007)
Payment of Electricity Charges of the PWD Rest Houses and Various Offices of the PWD (B&LW) - Time Extension
Date: 2008-02-18212/2008 (DPC.II/HT-General –7/2007)
Handing over the metering equipments of dismantled H.T Service to the consumers themselves
Date: 2008-01-212773/2007 Fin (FA/ECS/2007/526)
Introduction of new system of Collection of electricity charges from consumer's through Bank
Date: 2007-12-051273/2007 (Plg.Com.4601/05/07-08)
Power allocation Application fee and Processing fee - Clarification
Date: 2007-06-041111/2007(DPC1/C16-175/2005)
Minimum Guarantee amount from BPL and SC/ST consumers - Exemption
Date: 2007-05-09965/2007 (Plg.Com 4576/07)/391
Waiver of minimum demand charges for electricity in respect of all the closed Plantations and Industrial Units
Date: 2007-04-21628/2007 (PSI/101/2006)
KSE Board - Revision of Pay and allowances of workmen with effect from 1.8.2003 - Approval of Memorandum of Settlement
Date: 2007-03-19617/2007(DPC-II/Mis-25/2006-07)
Service Connection to Industrial Units, having SSI registration- clarification
Date: 2007-03-15558/2007(DPC-II/Mis-31/2006)
Enactment of Micro, small and Medium Enterprises Act 2006 - Priority for giving service connection to Industrial Units
Date: 2007-03-09710/2016 (LA.II/1917/2006)
Scheme for Reward to Informants (SRI) for furnishing information leading to detection of theft of energy and to officers for successfully detecting theft of energy punishable
Date: 2006-03-03670/2020(CE(C&T)/Sale/URS/ 2020-21
Sale of Un Requisitioned Surplus (URS) power of KSEB Ltd. from Neyveli New Thermal Power Plant (NNTPP) of NLCIL in market - No Objection Certificate
Date: 0020-11-06702 / 2021 [CE(REES)/E-Mobility General/2020-21]
Proposal for setting up of EV Charging points at KSEB's Distribution poles Sanctioned- Amendment Orders issued
Date: 0000-00-00405/2021(Fin.2(B)/Federal/OD/WCDL/2021-22)
Renewal of Credit facility from M/s Federal Bank - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 0000-00-00