Board Orders
15 /2021 (DGC/AEE VI/Galv/2014)
Hot dip galvanization of 6500MT "A" Poles of various lengths fabricated at the Mechanical Facilities of KSEB Ltd. for the year 2020-21 - retender the work
Date: 2021-01-1314/2021 (DGC/AEE VI/Galv/2014)
Hot dip galvanization of 11745 MT electric line materials such as Cross arms, Clamps, Stay rods etc. and Lattice tower parts
Date: 2021-01-1313/2021(DGC/AEE-II/ Sengulam/2018)
Execution of Rectification/Replacement of Penstocks, Butterfly Valves, Gate valves & Allied works of Sengulam HEP -Awarding of work -Sanctioned
Date: 2021-01-1312/2021(DGC/AEE-II/ Vehicle /2014)
Excess kilometers run by the vechicle hired for the use of Dam Safety Sub Division No.III,Edamalayar - Ratified - Orders issued
Date: 2021-01-139 /2021 (12/AE3/2012/CE(PED))
Tender for Supply, erection, testing and comissioning of Governor, Excitation, DCS and Protection panels for (1x10+1x30)MW Thottiyar Hydro Electric Project
Date: 2021-01-118 /2021 (496/AEE6/2013/CE (PED))
Execution of Electromechanical works of Pazhassi Sagar 3X2.5 MW SHEP- Sanction for awarding the work - Orders issued
Date: 2021-01-117 /2021 (129/AE4/2018/CE(PED))
Execution of E&M part of Peruvannamuzhy Small Hydro Electric Project (2X3 MW) - Sanction for awarding the work - Orders issued
Date: 2021-01-1111 / 2021 (CAPS/P1/DDUGJY/REC/2020-21)
Claiming additional 15% grant under DDUGJY scheme - furnishing of AT &C loss figures of SBU-D to Ministry of Power - Low collection efficiency - Sanctioned
Date: 2021-01-1110 /2021 (25/AE2/2014/CE(PED))
Erection of Supplied Electro Hydro Mechanical Equipment and Supply and Erection of BOP Equipment of Pallivasal Extension Scheme Hydroelectric Project (2x30MW)
Date: 2021-01-116/2021(SOR/HTB.8/717/2020-21)
Reducing of Meter faulty penalty of M/s. Kerala Kaumudi, Pettah (LCN.8/717) - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2021-01-085/2021(IT/CU/DC-Hosting/2020-21)
Allocation of rack space for Police Department in KSEB Data Centre- Sanctioned- Orders issued
Date: 2021-01-051 /2021/D(T&SO)T6/TransGrid/VLSP/20-21
TransGrid 2.0-Phase II- Valluvanad Lines and Substation Package-Administrative Sanction accorded - Orders issued
Date: 2021-01-054/2021 (SOR/HTB.4/453/2020-21)
Waiving of meter faulty penalty in respect of M/s. BSNL Telephone Exchange, Kothamangalam (LCN.4/453) - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2021-01-053/2021 (SOR/HTB.30/3082/2020-21)
Waiving of meter fault penalty with interest of M/s. Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education (LCN/30/3082), Kariyavattom - Sanctioned
Date: 2021-01-052/2021/D(T&SO)/T5/Panthalayani/2020-21
Construction of new 110kV AIS, Panthalayani and 6.5km 110kV double circuit line (LILO) from the existing 110kV Vatakara - Koyilandy feeder
Date: 2021-01-05793/ 2020 (HRD.7/Trg.234/ 20-21)
Eleven weeks training programme on Live Maintenance Techniques using Hot Stick Method upto 220 kV lines from 28.12.2020 to 12.03.2021
Date: 2020-12-31794 /2020 (KSEB/TRAC/FO/DBT)
Pilot implementation of Direct Beneficiary Transfer Scheme in Pathanamthitta District for agricultural consumption- Sanction accorded
Date: 2020-12-31789 /2020 (513/AE3/2013/CE(PED))
Execution of E&M works of Bhoothathankettu (3*8MW) Small Hydro Electric Project- completion of project in approved schedule time - Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-30792/2020 (D(D&IT)/D/AEC/Bldg/217/2020)
Construction of building for accommodating Electrical Section, Padiyottuchal under Electrical Circle, Sreekandapuram - Approval of plan and Administrative Sanction
Date: 2020-12-30791/2020(IT/CU/RAPDRP/BWSP/2020-21)
Implementation of IT projects under Part-A of RAPDRP - Work Contract awarded to M/s. Bharti Airtel Ltd for MPLS/VPN, Internet and GPRS connectivity as Primary BWSP
Date: 2020-12-30790/2020(IT/CU/Vehicle/2020-21)
Hired Vehicle for use of System Administrator, IT Sub Unit, Kollam - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2020-12-30788 / 2020 (12/AE3/2012/CE(PED))
Supply of one set of 11kV Isolated Phase Bus Duct and one set of 11kV Segregated Phase Bus Duct for 1x10MW+1x30MW Thottiyar Hydro Electric Project
Date: 2020-12-30787/2020(D(T&SO)/T4/Solar/2020-21
50 MW Solar Plant at Kommangala (Paivalike), Kasaragod - Constituting Technical and Commissioning Committees - Approved
Date: 2020-12-29785/2020 (Estt.v/GO Adop/5866/2020)
Order issued by the Government of Kerala fixing the rate of interest on deposits in the General Provident Fund and other related provident funds
Date: 2020-12-28778 / 2020/D(T&SO)/T4/Pugalur-Thrissur compensation/2020-21
Construction of 320kV HVDC Pugalur- Thrissur transmission line- Compensation to be given as per the Special compensation package- Allocating the share of KSEBL
Date: 2020-12-24782/2020 (PS1 (B)/69/2019)
General Election to the Local Self Government Institutions 2020 - Holidays on the Days of Poll- Adoption of Government Order - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2020-12-24784/2020(PRMC-2/Spandanam Series-II/2020-21)
Public Relations Department – Continuation of broadcasting of documentary series ‘Spandanam’ on KSEB’s activities and projects on different channels
Date: 2020-12-24780/2020(PRMC-2/13-Inauguration of Substations/2020-21)
Public Relations Department - Inauguration of 13 Substations - Newspaper Advertisement - Payment of Advertisement Money
Date: 2020-12-24773 / 2020 DCE/APTS/SS/REWARD/2020-21
Scheme of Rewards to informants for Detection of Power Theft - Revised Orders issued
Date: 2020-12-24783/2020 (No.HRD.7/LIB/2020-2021/267)
Digitisation of the library (existing at 6th floor, Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram ) following the Renovation and Modernisation
Date: 2020-12-24775/2020(D(D,IT&HRM)/D-2/Adalath/0026/2020-21)
Adalath 2020 - Petition from Secretary, Vettakkal A Block Karinila, Nellulpaadaka Samithi -Extension of decision in similar cases- Sanction Accorded
Date: 2020-12-24781/2020(CML-EE1-AEE1/Wind-Kosamattom/2018-19)
Wind energy generator established by M/s.Kosamattom Finance Ltd-Power Purchase Agreement between KSEBL and M/s.Kosamattom Finance Ltd -Execution of PPA
Date: 2020-12-24779/2020/D(T &SO)/T7/Veh/2020-21
Hiring a diesel jeep with driver for the use of T.C Section, Vandanmedu (for the use of construction of 110kV Substation Murikkassery) for a period of one year - Excess rate
Date: 2020-12-24777/2020/D(T&SO)/T1/T&P/20-21
Shifting the places from Special Task Force to Transgrid TC Division, Kottayam and forming new Transgrid TC Subdivision, 400 kV GIS Kottayam - Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-24776/2020 (D(D&IT)/D/AEC/Bldg/835/2020)
Construction of building for accommodating Electrical Section, Koombara under Electrical Circle, Kozhikode - Approval of plan and Administrative Sanction - Accorded
Date: 2020-12-24769 /2020 (CE (REES)/Filament Free Kerala/2019-20)
Supply of 1 Crore numbers of Nine Watts Light Emitting Diode (9 Watt LED) bulbs under Filament Free Kerala programme- selling price -Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-23771/2020 (CE(C&P)/EE1-AEE1/Wind-Inox/2019-20)
Initialing Tripartite Power Purchase Agreement between KSEBL, M/s.Inox Renewables Ltd and M/s.Damodar Jagannath Malpani- Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-23770/2020(CE(C&T)/EEI-AEEVI/NTPC-Kayamkulam/2020-21)
NTPC - 92MW floating solar at Kayamkulam - Consent for signing of supplementary PPA for correcting inadvertent omission in the PPA dated 28.08.2019 - Sanctioned
Date: 2020-12-23768/2020(IT/CU/DC-DR/PP/2020-21)
Enhancement the bandwidth of DC-DR point to point replication link from 15 Mbps to 30 Mbps -Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2020-12-23762/2020 (PS1(B)/2966/Holidays-2021/2020)
Kerala State Electricity Board Limited - Holidays for the year 2021 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
Date: 2020-12-21